25 lb challenge



  • chtsngiggles
    I need to lose at least 25 pounds! Having a hard time staying on the wagon. I usually start off the week great, and then slowly slide off the wagon, then I have to start all over again. I'd love to be in contact with other people!
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    What is your Motivation to achieve your fitness goal???

    I just came across mine ladies!!
    Not sure how I got a a page that had all my post. I came across the post that started my journey. How sad that 4 years later, I still haven't achieved it. This one is for me.... My motivation is that I owe it to myself to be fit!! Plan and simple. Read below :'(

    TOPIC: "I want to lose up to 50lbs" by the end of 2009!!! Tue 07/07/09 11:05 PM
    Hello everyone. I am starting a new thread for people who are new or experts at MFP. I am fairly new to this but i am highly motivated. My goal is to start a thread of motivational and uplifting individuals that will help each other through this "DIFFICULT" journey of weight loss/ healthy lifestyle.

    My name is Malvina and I started my journey on june 8, 2009 @ 222lbs

    Current weight- 219
    Goal1- 200lbs by end of August '09
    Goal2- 172-175 by end of December '09

    Hope you become interested no matter what your goal weight is. The KEY is to HELP & GUIDE each other in this new lifestyle. Best wishes and THANK YOU for reading my post!!
    M A L V I N A
  • lockmand
    lockmand Posts: 90 Member
    I am having a hard time getting back on the wagon here. I hope someone cares enough to read my story. I weighed 238 when I first started to walk. Walked 3 days a week 3 miles, and then upped to 5 days a week. I soon joined a gym and began to ride a stationary bike daily for 12 to 14 miles in 60 min. I joined a Silver Sneakers exercise class for seniors, and then a Pilates class, Cardio class, Women's Burn Out with Weights, and rotated the days for each of these, with the bike. I then started doing one of the classes each day plus my bike ride. Was watching food by giving up sodas, gave up wheat, ate more fruits...

    Results was a loss of 63 pounds. I weighed 175 two weeks ago. I was happy. Today, I weigh 185. I am not happy.
    What happened? I had been watching my Cholesterol Level come down, BP was better, all blood work looked good. I knew what my hubby's cholesterol was and I knew what mine had been. I made a mistake they say...I stopped taking my Crestor for cholesterol. I waited until time for my next blood work (3 months) and then I went in and told my dr...well not my dr because she had retired suddenly! I told another dr in the same building what I had done and he advised we get the results of blood work and then discuss whether or not I would need to go back on the med. Well, went in for blood work and my cholesterol was 163. He said I could stay off the med. I got home and was showing my hubby the blood work print out and he said that is your old print out.
    Sure enough the date was old. I called the office and they said that my cholesterol had not been taken so we rescheduled and had it taken. The result was 358! Way high but not as high as it had once been at 450. (mine is a hereditary thing).

    Anyway, he put me back on med and it is not making me feel well at all...meantime, I had a sinus infection and chest infection and was given Z-pac, musinex DM, and have felt awful. On top of this had a flare up of plantar fasciitis in my right foot which stopped my gym classes as far as cardio or almost anything...Well, I got so discouraged, so worried about my health, new dr and
    all else. Not to even mention Thanksgiving...I just feel so depressed, discouraged, so unhealthy right now. I do not want to give up but there are so many obstacles to face at once. I just want to start over and continue to my goal of 155 with my weight.

    Weighing 185, I now have 35 pounds to lose. Want to cry but I cannot let this thing beat me, I WILL DO THIS even if it kills me and it just may. So sorry to vent here but really having a hard time with everything.

    Right now, I will work on portion control, and reading labels closer...I discovered that the Coconut Milk that I was using in my protein shake although listed 0 cholesterol, it had high listing of saturated fat! How deceiving! That alone, as I drank it twice a day every day, could have had some effect on the blood work. The total cholesterol was high, the bad cholesterol was high and the good cholesterol was low...all over not a good reading. I am having another one by different place done in January, and cannot wait to see what it says. Meantime, I still need to talk to dr about how the Crestor is making me feel. I could not take Lipitor, and maybe not this anymore since I messed up and took the break off of it....sigh...
    Thanks for listening, and just try to help keep me motivated here, so discouraged with self.

  • chtsngiggles
    Hi lock! Omg....you've come so far, don't feel so discouraged! You're doing awesome! Look at the success you have achieved! I too have those days where I don't even want to get out of bed or look in a mirror. About 10 years ago I weighed almost 300 lbs. I see those pictures and cringe! Today, I'm 204 lbs. I want to be between 160-170. I had got down to about 177 about 3-4 years ago, and I felt awesome, now, here I go again, but this time I truly want to do this and stay at that weight! I try and work out 3-5 times a week and am watching those calories!

    We need to stick together and pick each other up, dust off our behinds, hold our heads high and succeed!
  • lockmand
    lockmand Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for the support chtsngiggles. Got to stop beating myself up so bad, especially over the med thing. I am so glad to have you as a supporter on here. I need that. I think you are doing great as well. Looks like our goals are very similar. Let's do this.
  • chtsngiggles
    How am I supposed to track tomorrow!!!! OMG...it's my Mother-In-Law's Xmas Open House, the food!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H E L P !!!
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    30 us my ultimate goal but I'm working on 5 pound increments :) anyone feel free to add me I love having friends on here
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi newest members!!! Welcome to our group.

    My key to my successful 2 weeks are:
    1- Making 30 minutes of woking out part of my routine 5days out of the week.
    2- Planning my meals
    3- Packing my lunch for work
    4- Portion control (I eat everything I love but make healthier choices)

    Take one day at a time and make each day count!!
    Consistency is key....
    Let's keep on going ladies :)
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    HI ladies,

    How is everyone's progress??? No one has posted!!! Miss you all
  • rhymeswithtexas
    I'd like to join in! I lost 25lbs some time ago, but gained it all back after a shoulder dislocation. :-/ Could use some more friends on here to help me stay motivated/positive!
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    I'd like to join in! I lost 25lbs some time ago, but gained it all back after a shoulder dislocation. :-/ Could use some more friends on here to help me stay motivated/positive!

    Welcome, feel free to add me as a friend and some of the girls on this thread (i'm sure they won't mind) Looking for active members to help each other out. So welcom and post awayyyyy
  • mhcrunner1
    My goal for the next few weeks is to start bringing healthy food to work instead of eating cafeteria food.
  • mhcrunner1
    Lock, make sure you take the time to pat yourself back each time you do well and focus on those things instead of the things that bring you down. Positive thinking makes a huge difference!
  • chtsngiggles

    It's always a challenge, but still trying to lose the weight! I welcome all the online help I can get too!

    I'll repost what I had said earlier, but not on this thread, I felt it was just so important to share with new members:

    I would just like to say a giant T H A N K Y O U to all my online friends. I have had you all in my head for the past hour! I had a bit of a stressful day and then had to do some grocery shopping after work (on a hungry stomach). I wanted all kinds of bad for me things, I did get the specials I went out for and I bought myself some diet sparkling water, some lemons and limes, and some fat-free,sugar-free yogurt. I did not give in to my emotions and binge on stuff that I would have only felt guilty for eating and would set me back. I'm so proud of myself and I truly thank all of you for being in my head!!!!!
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    How you doing ladies??? What day is this for you all of logging in???
    Mine is my Happy 6th :) Committed to 2 weeks of consistency... I'm almost there :)
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm looking for support myself. My goal is to lose between 25-30 pounds. I used to be really fit and have just let things go in the last year. My goals are to get back into running at least 5 times per week. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Fit2BeFly
    Fit2BeFly Posts: 185 Member
    The challenge for me was going good. I had a set back thanksgiving. Simply put... I ate tooooo much... I gained back 3 pounds in a week from eating leftovers. Wow.... Well It's been a week since thanksgiving and I'm still being hard on myself. Enough of feeling sorry for myself and eating my feelings. I'm back at it today. Aiming to lose 2 pounds by next saturday.
  • chtsngiggles
    Good for you! I too am struggling lately, but I'm putting in the exercise time, about 4-5 times a week, I'm also tracking everything I eat. I'm hopping for a good result on Monday!
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    Ladies, If you don't see the lbs come off don't get discouraged.

    It helps me to take each day at a time and a "lifestyle" mentality. I haven't lost much weight but i'm noticing it in my clothes, energy, and motivation :)

    Let's keep at it and motivating each other and ourselves <3
  • Malvys24
    Malvys24 Posts: 66 Member
    Just checking in ladies.... how has it been for you all?? Its been a daily struggle to exercise each day with 10 hour shifts at work and this cold weather. Glad I have though. Only 4 more days to see results of my personal 30 day challenge. Wish me luck :)
