How to get back into workout routine?

I was doing fantastic with working out. But once i went on Vacation obviously the routine stopped, and i never got back into it after coming home. It just seems i never go through with restarting, i tell myself "todays the day" and i just never keep my word. Grrr! This can not happen... Maybe it's just the though of the upcoming Holidays, who really wants to deny themselves? Especially Christmas being my favorite time; Hot Chocolate, Cookies, Peppermint Mocha Coffee from Starbucks, Big family diners, etc.. But i've come to far to have to start all over, i went from 165 pounds to 153 pounds. I would love to be at my goal for Spring/Summer.

What has helped you?? I got myself a big glass of water tonight. I'm proud to say i haven't gained any weight upon coming back, so i feel i'm still self conscious and making right choices, but i know they could be better.


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Just Do IT
  • californiabella
    Don't make any excuses for yourself not to go-- think of all the reasons why you SHOULD go to the gym and like the above poster said, "Just do it."

    And of course, no one wants to deny themselves during the holidays. But at the same time, it's better to be closer to your goal once 2014 is here!

    Good luck to you. :0
  • helpmeet2day
    helpmeet2day Posts: 33 Member
    Do it early in the morning, before you realize what's going on. You'll be mostly done by the time you wake up and even then you'll be too sleepy to argue with yourself!:yawn:
  • _Nicklebee
    Do it early in the morning, before you realize what's going on. You'll be mostly done by the time you wake up and even then you'll be too sleepy to argue with yourself!:yawn:

    Haha! that actually is a good one! I'll have to try, i normally don't do early morning workouts. But could be worth a shot!
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    I know what you mean with the holidays right around the corner....why bother, right?? Well, try to figure out your "WHY". That really worked for me. Why do I do this day in and day out? Why am I putting so much time and effort into this journey? Why do I care what I eat? FIND YOUR WHY!! :love:

    Start slow...say today I will drink 8 glasses of water. Today I not eat past a certain time. Today I will walk for 20 minutes. Something small to get you started. Then you will start to see you can do this. You can start over. It's not how many times you fall, but how many times you get up that counts!! :flowerforyou:
  • FitWhit3
    Sounds like you’re already there!!! Get fed up, get fed up with being the same, having the same issues, same insecurities, GET FED UP!!!! Seriously... i go to the gym pissed off and take it out on the equipment; every drop of sweat is a trophy of power! Seriously, be intense about it and don’t let the cocoa and pumpkin spice control you.... they are evil. Remember that.
  • MicheleZar
    I'm kind of the same way but I'll workout several times per week, some days even 2 or 3 times and then I fall off for a week or week and a half, beat myself up mentally and go back to the same exact thing. I used to be more serious, even to the point where I was so worried about gaining weight on vacation that I'd LOSE 5 lbs instead.

    I am starting the Supreme 90 Day at some point in the next couple of days, just can't decide which day. I'd very easily lose weight if I could STOP drinking the Monster energy drinks and switch them out for water. I mean I drink them ALL DAY EVERYDAY! I justify it by telling myself that I drink the lesser of all evils by drinking the blue ones (lo-carb, lo-cal, etc.). I just love them so much.

    I'm not an over eater but recently became fond of chocolate. Never ate it now I crave it. I really have to set myself straight and get back on it. I'm not getting any younger, that's for sure. I'm pre-menopausal so it's now or never.

    Good luck to you!


    P.S. This is the FIRST time using this site. I'm hoping to check in daily, if anything, to be honest with myself. :)
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    I know what you mean with the holidays right around the corner....why bother, right?? Well, try to figure out your "WHY". That really worked for me. Why do I do this day in and day out? Why am I putting so much time and effort into this journey? Why do I care what I eat? FIND YOUR WHY!! :love:

    Start slow...say today I will drink 8 glasses of water. Today I not eat past a certain time. Today I will walk for 20 minutes. Something small to get you started. Then you will start to see you can do this. You can start over. It's not how many times you fall, but how many times you get up that counts!! :flowerforyou:

    This says it! I always say...figure out your why and then when you want to give up you can go back to that why and it will keep you moving forward.
  • _Nicklebee
    I know what you mean with the holidays right around the corner....why bother, right?? Well, try to figure out your "WHY". That really worked for me. Why do I do this day in and day out? Why am I putting so much time and effort into this journey? Why do I care what I eat? FIND YOUR WHY!! :love:

    Start slow...say today I will drink 8 glasses of water. Today I not eat past a certain time. Today I will walk for 20 minutes. Something small to get you started. Then you will start to see you can do this. You can start over. It's not how many times you fall, but how many times you get up that counts!! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! (And of course everyone who commented) I actually took the first steps of doing this today. Weighed myself this morning, got back out the journal to start counting those calories. And plan to workout today. That Eggnog in the fridge is a bit taunting though! Haha.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Just Do IT

    Sounds so simple, but so difficult to enact. But I agree. Get in there and get it done. Soon you'll be addicted. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't know, I love lifting and working out...when I take a vacation I'm usually just itching to get back into the weight room. Especially with the holidays coming up and all that food...very important to lift and put those calories and all that protein to good use. Bring on the turkey, ham, and rib roast and get your *kitten* in the power rack.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I just get fed up enough. I have a few different chronic health issues, so when I get sick! I get really sick and there is no" suck it up and workout anyway" until I am 95% better. I get jealous of those people that can hit the gym despite having a bad cold or do their 5 mile run despite the splitting headache. I would rebound harder and sicker. I know. I tried way too many times.
    Right now I am coming off a 5 day migraine and have been having heart palipitations still, so know I can,t push it.
    But I bet I really could do a little something. Maybe, probably. I should do something, I guess.

    I usually start back with a couple brisk walks which make me realize, yes I can get back at it. The I post on my wall here and my close Facebook Friends group that I AM doing squats (or whatever) today, so I feel guilted into doing them.

    Today I am that stage of teetering between ready and feeling lazy. I will do some lunges and a walk, I guess.