Hello, Great week, not so good weekend

Hello all! I have been using MFP for about a month now, but i have never introduced myself! My name is Sarah (obvious by my user name!). My goal is to lose about 65 more pounds. I am weighing in at 215, and I wish to be 150 ish. So far I have lost a total of 11 pounds, but i wasn't using MFP at the beginning of my weight loss program. I want to lose the weight to have kids! I know that probably sounds funny, why lose weight just to gain baby weight? I have my reasons though. Diabetes, Heart disease and all of their side effects run HUGE in my family. All of these are mostly weight related, and i have gained 50 pounds in the past three years. The past three years have been a whirl wind of bad eating, along side of emotional ups and downs. I used to exercise every day. Sometimes twice a day. Through several of these emotional ups and downs (i won't go into too much detail), the weight packed on.

I have decided that my goals are not so much about exercise, but about a healthy life style. My hubby and I have began riding bikes together, and we joined a gym. I have been making sure that I no longer deprive my dogs of their daily walks, and I am using a combination of the Mediterranean diet and South beach Diet principals to cook and eat by. My work out goal: to do something exercise intentional 6 days a week. I am currently LOVING Zumba, and I am meeting with a personal trainer to learn how to properly lift weights again.

The past 3 weeks I have really cracked down on the working out and getting control of my eating. I lost these past 6 pounds through that. My goal is to keep losing 1-2 pounds a week. I had a great week but a not so great weekend.

I went over my cal's Yesterday. We went to a BBQ at a friends. But here is the kicker, I mostly went over my cal's by eating too much protein! I didn't even touch anything bread, or chip related. (Except for a S'more which cost me 200 Calories!) The one thing i had which was really bad was some ranch dip for my HUGE plate of veggies I ate. In fact I ate so many veggies that people were making fun of me! haha! That's ok with me! Today i didn't work out, I needed a rest day. I worked out for 6 days straight (Monday through Saturday last week) and lost 1 pound! Yay!

Next week my goal is to kick the Starbucks habit. Actually, It will probably take me more than a week. I can't actually drink coffee, but those Chai Tea's are my down fall. they are an extra 200-300 calories I do not need!

Wish me luck as I strive to kick the Starbucks, and lose another 1-2 pounds!


  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi! Welcome! Good luck!! =) I love Zumba too!!! =)

    I wouldnt worry, Everyone needs cheat days... otherwise they will never stick to it... plus tomorrow is always a new day!!

    I am finding that im eating so much more than i would have ever dreamed I needed to!!! 1,200 calories a day is alot if you eat the right sorts of foods!! Going over on protein isnt really such a bad thing i dont think... =] Just make sure you drink lots of water... and watch the fat content in the sausages!!
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member

    I definitely stayed away from the sausages! They had turkey hot dogs instead, which i was glad about. :smile: :smile:

    I find that it is hard to eat so much of the right stuff as well! I am supposed to eat 1610 cals a day though, which seemed really crazy to me. Every time that I lose weight i have the calculator reevaluate my calorie intake, and it gets lowered by about 30 cals a day.

    Have a great week! :smile:
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