How do you actually STICK to it?!



  • jennywright1350
    I can feel your pain. I was in the same boat. I started attending boot camp style work out sessions back in May. It's more than just cardio, because, as I have learned, it's so much more than that. It's more like circuit training. I am finishing a challenge at camp which was 6 weeks long. It was focused on changing 1 habit per week and growing upon that one change. The main areas of focus are

    1. Sleep- make sure you get at least 6 hours per night. If not your body won't burn fat.

    2. Eat one fruit or one vegetable each meal.

    3. Eat every 3-4 hours to keep your metabolism going all day. If you don't eat that often, your body will store fat because it thinks its starving.

    4. Drink half your body weight in water each day.

    5. Allow yourself 2 treats (sweets, alcohol, etc.) per week. (This was really hard for me!)

    6. Eat protein at every meal. One serving is between 20-25 gms for women.

    And most importantly, believe and you can accomplish your goals. Find something that inspires you and make a positive outcome statement. Mine is "I can't believe that my BMI is now 22%". It's not yet, but by talking to myself in a positive way, it frees my mind from self doubt, which will sabotage your success. Hope this helps!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    It helps if you eat actual food and more than just veggies and what know stuff that you're going to eat for the rest of your life. Healthy, nutritious food doesn't have to suck and proper nutrition requires a **** load more than just veg and fruit. I'd recommend investing some time in learning proper nutrition and what you body needs and I'd also recommend probably not such a paltry calorie goal...adherence is much better when you actually have realistic goals.

    When you actually start feeding your body correctly and make fitness as much a part of your life as getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth you will STICK to it...because it'll just be the way you roll.

    I think you might have misread. I do eat actual food. Actual food is the only thing I track though. I don't track my fruits and veggies.

    I haven't totally been logging too, by the way. (Which I think I mentioned earlier) so disregard my low calorie count
    I must have missed the memo last thing I heard fruits and vegetables were actual food and contained calories
  • manique45
    manique45 Posts: 99 Member
    I track all my calories ALL of them. I don't worry if I go over. I eat what I want and try to keep it in line. If on one day I want to eat the damn chocolate, I do! I found that by limiting myself too much got me NOWHERE. I'm much happier with a slow loss and tasty food than I am with fast loss and boring food.

    Yes this ^^^^^^

    So what if I only loose 2 lbs a month :o) I have not once alll year weighed more than when I began and I have stuck to my plan for almost 365 day!!! Yes some days I didn't log, but I ate in my portions. Consistency is the key not restrict restrict let go, okay restrict restrict... Let go :o) Good luck I use to do that too. I am so much happier now!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Priorities and willpower.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I personally don't think someone 18 and naturally thin (you are thin and you said your weight doesn't fluctuate much) needs to track all their intake or say no to eating out with friends due to dieting. You might want to talk to someone about your relationship with eating and your feelings about it and your body, maybe? Not loving everything about our bodies is totally normal, but restricting calories is only the answer to one thing-- being overweight. You look like you're a healthy weight.

    If you're not, just aim to get back up when you fall off. Success is in how many times you get back up, not how few times you fall off.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    after experiencing weight losses and gains for many years, knowing that my weight on Sunday will be reduced after my two fasting days keeps me focussed - I never want to yo-yo again.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I definitely go through spells where I'm way less motivated and in the past I would have followed that same pattern. Now I just make the effort to keep tracking through those periods so i don't gain.
    Then when I'm ready to exercise again, I'm not behind the 8ball, so to speak.