Hellllo I am new to this- needing motivation and support!

Hi, I am Janelle and I created an account a year ago and never used it up until last month. Anyways, Ive been wanting to reach a goal weight of 125 for the past 5 years! I lose weight and then gain it back so I tend to fluctuate a lot. The past summer I gained 10lbs in less than two months from just poor dieting and lack of exercise. I needed to change my habits and lost all the 10 lbs and then some in two and a half months. Now, I really want to reach my goal of being 125 lbs! Most importantly, I just want to be happy with my body. I like where I am right and what I am doing , I just need new friends and a good boost to keep me going!

Thank you =)


  • flasher13
    Hi, Your just like me hehe. I want to be about 125 to 126, but i have a bad habit of messing up on the weekends and just need support n advice to get through it. Yeah I think being happy with your body will be the best thing we all get out of losing weight we dont need. hehe xx
  • Dante_Cubit
    Hey! I'm a n00b on the boards (today!) and am also looking to build friends and aquaintances on MFP whom I can both help and be motivated! Great to see you;re getting back into it - stay strong and if you have a 'blip', no worries, either pull it back in or try and exercise more to mitigate it! I'm in the UK, have been using th ewebsite and app for over 12 months now, and started serious weights and cardio training this June. I'm in the U.K. Good luck, add me if you need advice, help, motivation or just want to have a laugh!