I'm new to this..

I actually started this a while ago, but forgot about it. I fell off of my horse and have had a horrible time getting back on. I'm 26 years old and the mother of 2. I have a mental disorder called Borderline Personality Disorder which makes weight loss even more difficult not only because of feeling miserable and lifeless but the fact that some of the medications also reek havoc on your body. My one medication has actually caused my thyroid to crap out on me. So, I have a mental disorder, an under active thyroid, high blood pressure and (for reasons that have yet to be determined) an unusually rapid heart rate. I have just made an order for some all natural dietary supplements that will aid in suppressing my appetite as well as giving me more energy to be able to work out. I don't really have any friends and the only support system I have is my boyfriend who lives 2 1/2 hours away. I really just need to make some friends to keep me motivated. Having a mental disorder and issues with your weight are not good. I need all the support I can get.

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