Less fat causes?

Male office workers in particular, face the risk of obesity . Long sedentary office , due to work stress and lack of exercise ; or because of depression from food or alcohol for comfort , these are white-collar men lost on campus that shapely figure causes. And your weight and your pressure will form a vicious circle : Most people under pressure, easy to overeating , indigestion caused by overweight , so more vulnerable to the effects of stress . Some people think that grow fat , fat is a kind of carefree performance . From a psychological point of view, this may be true , which is why most men married after the body was blown up like a balloon as quickly as one of the reasons for obesity .
Although the men did not advocate skinny beauty , but also increasingly fat is not a good thing, at least not very much hope you will be able to see through a mirror his belt buckle. Men and women tend to be fat in different parts , usually young male beer belly is the most headaches. This is an unavoidable fact : the general body of men, about 30 billion fat cells , and every time he was old that these cells will be heavier . Thus, almost every man after age 30 is always heavier than before . A man with increasing age , his genes , hormones and slowed metabolism are beginning to have an impact on his abdomen . However, the beer belly is not inevitable , get rid of it you will look better , more abundant energy will live longer .