Hey everyone! One more attempt to lose 10lbs!

Hey everyone! I am a 19 year old student and in the past year I gained over a stone overall, and been trying to lose that for the past 5 months (with no success). I live with 4 of my best friends and all of them live off chocolate and pizzas and never go to the gym so it's really difficult to stay motivated while watching people eat delicious fatty foods all the time! I am really down because I have been trying hard but instead of losing weight I gained 5 lbs. Success stories and friends will be very much appreciated! :)


  • JessR0se0001
    Hey there! I just added you as a friend. I know how frustrating it can be to live with people who eat junk all day when you're trying to eat healthy. I live by myself (with my son) so its easier now, but I used to have a mini fridge in my room and keep it stocked with healthy options. I even made my little area in the cupboard of healthy snacks so I could munch on them while my friends were eating pizza. And every once in awhile it's okay to eat one piece of pizza, everything in moderation :)
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    Keep trying, I know how hard it is. My 2 teenage nephews live with myself & my daughters & all they eat is pizza and fastfood. Sometimes it gets extremely hard, I can handle it now but for a while i would have to walk out and down some water to feel full (lol) and go take a look at a new shirt or jeans i wanted to fit into. Unless its late there is nothing wrong with a slice of pizza or 2! WILL POWER can be painful
  • _taylorlydia
    hey! i'm trying to lose ten pounds as well. i also am surrounded by people who make it hard to eat healthier and cleaner. i'm going to add you, anyone feel free to add me!