stuck in "not enough calories mode" HELP

Ok so I started my "new me plan" in January down 79 lbs! go me! But I have been stuck for 4+ weeks! I have joined here to get motivation and friends to keep going! I was over 350 lbs and goal weight is under 200.. I keep getting the "you aren't getting enough calories" to lose weight message! I am a vegetarian who eats 3 very balanced meals a day! What can I do? Any suggestions are welcome! Also looking for friends to boost me on my long road! Plus I am great at boosting! so add if you just need occasional boosting to!


  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    Add snacks to your eating.
  • aecarma
    aecarma Posts: 2 Member
    I would say try adding a small like 150 calorie snack in at least once a day. It is possible you've hit a point where your body thinks your not eating enough. I'm not sure what your meals are like but maybe add a touch of protein here and there. Have some peanut butter in your afternoon snack (or morning snack) it might help.
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Your diary is closed so I can't actually see what you are calling "balanced".

    Are you eating legumes, lentils, or tofu products? Do you eat nuts? Full fat dairy? Those tend to be higher in calories and might be a way to fill in the gap. It's great that you are working towards being a nutritionally balanced vegetarian, but hitting your calorie goal is an important part of that. Food is fuel. A diet comprised primarily of veggies is good for you, but legitimately could not be providing enough fuel to keep your body going longterm. Again, I can't see your diary but it could be as simple as adding a 200 calorie serving of peanuts, almonds, or cashews to your morning snack, and maybe a full fat yogurt to your afternoon snack.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    79 pounds is a huge achievement. Well done.

    So lets get one thing straight. There is no such thing as "starvation mode". There is no such thing as "plateaus" in the normal sense.

    There is just calories in and calories out.

    A few things to try:

    1. Make sure you have worked out your calorie limit for the day with your new weight. As you lose, you need fewer and fewer calories.

    2. Stop the complacency in portion sizes. Delete your recipes and start again by re measuring everything.

    3. Don't over claim your exercise calories.

    Over 4 weeks, if you are not losing weight, its because you're not in a deficit. Nothing to do with "metabolism" or anything hooky like that.

    Good luck! And well done again.
  • abojeri
    abojeri Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for you add and friendly advice! I opened my diary to friends so I can get all the help I need! :smile: