What do u consider CHEATING.

Today for snack I brought a Zinger by Hostess... Now I don't consider that cheating more rationalizing.. I'm not eating the box of Zingers ... Which I probably can. I'm more eating something I enjoy without going overboard.

No judging what do u consider cheating??


  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    I consider it cheating when I eat a snack that I know isnt good for me AND it sets me over my calorie limit for the day. Sometimes I eat things that arent too good for my body, I am human after all and I slip up like everyone else, BUT, if I can still stay within my calorie limit then I try not to beat myself up too badly about it!
  • Kazren
    Kazren Posts: 88
    I only consider myself as cheating if i go over my kcal, as long as you stay under your calories you are not cheating, as that is why i am calorie counting, you can eat what you want just in moderation.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I think cheating is taking a whole day where you just eat all the junk you tell yourself you can't have and go overboard. I don't think there is anything wrong with eating a treat or a snack here or there. I'm hoping to adopt ways to have control so I won't have to count calories my whole life, and I certainly will not give up treats I love for the rest of my life. In my opinion, you are not cheating. You have portion control and the right mindset so enjoy your snack!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    The whole idea is that if you eat properly most of the time and exercise and stay within your calories, it isn't cheating. This is a lifestyle change not a temporary diet. You will eat things that aren't the healthiest throughout your life
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    No such thing as cheating :) I am doing this for the long term, gotta live some
  • markciagne
    I agree with everyone else. There is no such thing as cheating as long as you are below your calorie goal. Getting into the mind set that there are off limit foods will only sabatoge your goals.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    What truly smart people on this site! I agree with everyone of you. I can eat up to 100 calories of "sweets" a day and stay within my calories and fats. I must have my sweets! That is why I--and we--have been successful.

    Cheers! :drinker: (water)
  • StarryEyedGirl
    if you can eat something and still stay within your calorie range then I don't see this as "cheating" to me cheating is overeating!!! Of course I think I do better eating better foods but I just need sugar at times and if I don't work it into my allowance then I will never make it in this so call life style change... ya know?
  • susan7047
    I think you have to be realistic. Is it progress for you to only eat one package rather than several?? Did you stay within your calories for the day? Would you be able to live the rest of your life never eating something "bad" for you? I try to be really good Mon-Fri and stick to the plan 110%. If I am able to do that than I allow myself a treat or "cheat" on Saturday. I think I would go crazy if I didn't.
  • Keisha79
    Keisha79 Posts: 63
    I 100% agree with everyone., I
    Also like the thought of changing cheating to treating.. Cuz that's what I'm doing. Treating myself and staying within my calorie intake.. Thank u!!!
  • MickeyLeigh
    I agree with what everyone has said. If you deprive yourself you are only sabotaging yourself later on. Everyone will fall of the wagon once in awhile. Getting back on is what makes you successful! And I love that you call it treating and not cheating...what a great idea!!

  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Being unfaithful to your spouse. slow.gif
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    I agree with everyone else :happy:

    I have a box of Lindt truffles (don't know if you get them in america, they are individually wrapped in red foil, and IMO they are the BEST chocolates ever! Now normally I would munch through the box in about 2 days, but i've put them in the fridge and allow myself one a day, for 76 calories, and that's my special treat, it makes me feel like i'm not on a 'diet', even though I am counting my calories and planning healthy meals and snacks where possible, and i'm really enjoying it so far, feels great!

    Got to keep yourself sane without going overboard, I think :)
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    I actually do my best not to even think in terms of "cheating" or "not cheating", "perfect" or "not perfect", "good me" or "bad me" anymore.

    It seemed like when I consistently thought in those ways, I'd end up self-sabotaging because I'd feel guilty over being bad or not perfect or cheating, so I'd end up "cheating" even more! Now I do my best to take this a meal at a time, and if a meal ends up being over the typical number of calories I'd eat in a meal, I either try to compensate with some exercise or just let it be. For instance, this weekend I had a nice lunch out with my husband on Friday and a barbecue with family on Saturday. I had only wild estimates of the calories of each of these meals, but I made fairly healthy choices and made sure I didn't overeat, and called it even.

    There doesn't need to be any feelings of "cheating" or the guilt that comes with it. Feeling guilty about food may in fact lead to weight loss, but it also leads to a whacked out relationship with food. We've all heard of or been women who lost a bunch of weight only to continue feeling sad and empty. I think doing any self-flagellating over food is ultimately going to guide a person down that path.
  • MitsuShai
    MitsuShai Posts: 151 Member
    I don't consider that cheating, plus technically you can eat whatever you like, but you have to burn it off later :laugh:
    If it's small don't worry about it, but if it has a lot of calories and it's difficult to burn off then I consider that cheating.
  • unocentavo
    unocentavo Posts: 82 Member
    I pretty much agree with what everyone else has replied. You gotta live life, we are not machines.
    I've gotta get my cheat foods in occasionally to stay motivated. Sometimes it inspires me to exercise more intently. This past Saturday I ate 2 pecan sweet rolls my wife made. I only planned to eat one but they were so awesome. I felt so guilty, I went outside and ran a mile. In the end, I felt better about having that extra one...in a weird way it caused me to get more exercise, lol. I'm not gonna do it everyday though. I hope!

    Technically a "cheat food" is gonna be a non-healthy, non-nutritional food choice, that is not necessarily good for you. We could eat twinkies every meal and stay under, but our health would eventually suffer.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    if you don't log it, then it is cheating. Otherwise ditto on what the other have said to so far. of course now i want a zinger :laugh:
  • antiadipose
    i never feel like im cheating or guilty about any food. honestly many of us used to eat terribly on a daily basis!!!!! now i eat sooooo clean, lean, fresh, wholesome, low fat, low cal on a daily basis. so that chocolate or whatever it is that ill have that isnt so "clean" is something i earned and can have without my body even holding on to any of it or storing it.

    problem is tho, a couple of months ago that "cheat" kinda lead to a weekend of rewards which then ruined my whole week and in return made me gain some weight.

    so i leaner that the key is... have what u want but then STOP! and let it go.... and continue on ur journey. lol i kinda got carried away lol. have ur zinger but thats it!!!!!!!!!!! clean eating alllll day! not another bad bite!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Cheating gives the idea one is doing something wrong.

    I DO NOT believe eating my favorite ice cream as CHEATING, it is okay to eat one's favorite ice cream, not overindulging of course!!

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    disclaimer - I didn't read everyone's responses, so sorry if I'm repeating anything...

    I don't believe in cheating - this is a lifestyle change and some days I'm going to give in and have a treat.

    That said, I'm trying to treat my body better, which for me means that I'm trying to significantly reduce the preservatives and artificial crap I'm putting into my body. I don't *want* to put those type of food in my body anymore, so I don't buy them. The longer I go without them, the less I crave them. I keep healthier alternatives that still let me feel like I'm having a treat (frozen yogurt, frozen bananas, black bean brownies, Lara Bars, etc.). The one real sugary treat I keep is dark chocolate - I allow myself 1/4 of the bar at a time, once or twice a week.

    I'd recommend you buy treats that you can work into your plan ahead of time - this will increase the chances of eating treats that are at least somewhat good for you and decrease the chance of overdoing it. (Which it sounds like you're already okay on not overdoing it.)