I'm Back - Weightloss for Charity

I'm Back and this time I'm serious. My Profile Pic is of July 2013 My Graduation Day, whilst it was the proudest day of my life, when I saw the photos I was devastated.

What have I done to myself? Is what I thought. This week I had an awakening, my Girlfriend had a cancer scare at it shook me up. I need to lose weight, and I'm going to lose weight for cancer charity. I will be looking for sponsors and also sponsoring myself.

I am going to need all the help and support I can get because I am clueless as to how to do this best. But I will do it, 3 years until I'm 30 and I weigh 302 pounds @ 5ft 9inch. By the time I'm 30 I want to be 170lbs. Please wish me luck and if you have any tips tell me. x


  • pastybuns
    Hey there and welcome back!

    I enjoyed reading this post, I think what you're doing speaks of you as a pretty awesome guy. Remember the most important thing is to do this for yourself though :]
    That being said, I love the good cause you're incorporating into your journey!

    Since your goal is long term, I'd recommend baby steps. Maybe identify a single small thing you'd like to give up or incorporate into your lifestyle (like drinking less soda or walking more) and slowly make those changes. Small, permanent changes are the best I think, since they're easier to stick with. While they're small, you'll continuously see the progress!
    Other than that, never give up! No one is perfect, learn to forgive yourself for any stumbles you have along the way. Just be honest with yourself whenever you struggle and look forward to making tomorrow a better day.

    That's the advice that works best to me, I hope I didn't bore you lol. If you ever need a friend, don't be shy and add me. We can motivate one another in the health journey :]

    The best of health to you! And of course, on your cancer charity!
  • Toneyear
    Hi. just signed up yesterday. I was advised by a co-worker a lot of his success came from here. WOW! Losing weight for charity, what an idea. I wish I could afford to sponsor you. Best wishes with that. Go get 'em, tiger!!! :)
  • the_jinxster
    :) Thanks guys, It means a lot to get support from people who have similar goals and the advice is great. Toneyear feel free to add me, and you too Pastybuns, haha cool name. I know its important to do it for myself too but I have always been more motivated to do things for others than myself so it makes sense to do something like this really. I will be setting up a blog page for sponsorship over the weekend.

    All the best in your goals too, lets KICK SOME OF OUR OWN *kitten*!
  • lifegoeson25
    lifegoeson25 Posts: 50 Member
    Good luck! A lot of people on here who are really supportive!
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Welcome back! What a great cause to keep you motivated. Best of luck to you with getting sponsored and getting smaller! :)
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    That is awesome! I love the concept of weightloss for charity. I'm adding you if you dont mind. I'd like to follow your journey!
  • the_jinxster
    Thanks people, wow so much support already. Cheers! Makes a bear very happy to know its out there. Keep up the good work yourselves x