SAHMs 8/16 - 8/22

We are a group of FABULOUS sahm's who are committed to our good health goals. We are informal but do challenge each other too. and we totally get the unique roles we play and the struggles that follow in trying to get fit and take care of our families and homes. :) come join the conversation at any time. we welcome newcomers!


  • Tandksmommy10
    Morning all! Hope everyone's Monday is off to a great start.

    I'm not really a bread fan (just a necessary part of a PBJ sandwich), but it's usually pasta in any form. I am going to check out that bread though, because the 30 cal store brand low-cal bread is like cardboard. I have a bread machine and would love to make my own- but I can't get it down enough in calories to justify it. 100 cals for a piece of bread is to much for me.

    When do your kids go back to school? My son goes to Pre-K II (he did 1 last year at the age of 4) in 2 weeks and I can't wait. He's bored and needs the interaction and 'challenge' of school.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Def check out the Sara Lee 45 cal bread. It's very good for being low cal.
    My oldest just turned 2, so no school until next year when she starts pre-school.

    Today was the second time I ran 20 mins straight on the treadmill. Got 1.5 miles done jogging, and another half mile walking. I see my diabetes doc tomorrow for check up. Can't wait. I am going to wear my size 8 shorts, and jr large t-shirt, and bring the size 24 jeans I started in last year. It will be fun to step into the 1 leg to show her what a change I've made. I will also mention a desire of getting off of my insulin pump, and that carbs make me suspiciously sleepy.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    hello everyone! I got back from cross country camp last week and it has been busy ever since! I am trying to build up my mileage again, but I tell ya...I ran with the XC kids this morning and it was way to late in the day....I melted! I don'ot do well in the heat at all.!

    My kiddo's start school on the 31st of Aug. It's my daughter's senior year!

    Trish- That's great that you ran 20 min non-stop! I can't wait to hear what your doc has to say!

    Tandk- I don't eat much bread either...I have trouble justifying the cals be it seems like empty cals that don't always fill me up.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    BTW ladies....keep your fingers crossed for me...Aunt flow is taking her time getting here....maybe?!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Trish way to go on the 20 min and good luck at your appt tomorrow!

    Nicole I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Tand my children start school on 23rd Aug. I am not so sure what I am going to do with my self this year. I will be having 3 in school full day and one in kindergarten plus one is starting pre-school this year, 2 days a week. I think I am going to be utterly lost. lol

    I should clarify the bread I LOVE is homemade bread! Which is probably why I have not made it since starting my weight loss journey that would be a weakness that I probably would have a very hard time holding back on. I love pasta as well. I have started using the thin buns for sandwiches as well as my "hamburger" (boca or turkey for me). The thin bun is very tasty and is 100 cals total. I figure it isn't too bad considering most others are at the very least 100 per slice.
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello again everyone! I am here but am struggling a bit at the moment. After the camping trip I just couldn't seem to get back into it. And its my 30th Birthday on thursday so I keep treating myself which is a bit naughty!

    DH brought up the subject of another baby and lots of other ladies in our church are having them at the moment which makes me want another! But I have told him if he helps me to get to my goal weight and maintain it for 2 months then I will be happy to start trying again. I think I am a bit scared of gaining all the weight again after last time!

    Gotta are fighting!
  • Tandksmommy10
    Nicole- I've got my fingers crossed!

    Trish- Awesome job on your weight loss. I bet the doctors are so proud of you and very happy to see your medical results.

    Katie- Homemade bread is my fave too. I use the Sandwich Thins too. They taste pretty good for being 100 cals and still are reasonable.

    princessleia1980- Don't worry, you'll get back on the wagon. That's great that you told DH you want to get to your goal first and then maintain before having another child. I gained 55lbs with my son, which is my heaviest weight ever (220). I only lost 12lbs before I had my daughter (but I wasn't really trying either). Luckily, I only gained 12 with her. I would love another baby, but DH isn't completely convinced since he has a son from another relationship (when we split for 2 years) and I'm afraid of gaining weight back only to fight to lose it again.

    I was hungry all day yesterday. I thought about food almost every waking moment. I think it would just be that time of the month if I actually got a period. Since I have an IUD in, I never know, but there has to be a reason for my constant hunger like that.

  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Princessleia~We all have our rough spots! Don't be too hard or soft on yourself. You will get back to it. As for another baby....I say good for you for having a goal in mind. I hope that you are able to get to that goal before you have another baby.

    Amy~I would say it probably is that time of the month for you. Other times that I get really hungry like that is when I have been busy all day doing stuff around the house and in the yard.

    Well today we walked 1/2 mile to the kids school and back (1 mile total). We had to get them a copy of dd3 birth certificate so that she can start K. The kids are all excited that school will be starting on the other hand I am having a very hard time wrapping my head around that I am going to be having 3 in full day school, 1 in K and 1 in preschool two days a week. Which leaves me with 2 kids 2 days a week. Not sure how I feel about that right now but I am sure once it gets started I will be loving it! Sure makes life (not sure I want to use easier as description) to only have 2 kids to have to take care of rather than 7. Not sure if that is going to mean a cleaner house yet or not. I guess we will find out soon enough. Well got to run. Hope you are all having a great week so far.
  • Tandksmommy10
    Katie- You're right. It is that time, I got the 'usual' indicators. Least it explains the hunger. I'm not sure what I will do with myself when my daughter is in school (She will start pre-school next year). Right now, my 4 year old goes to pre-school 2 and goes for 2.5 hours every morning.

    Ugh, I broke a tooth yesterday! I chewed down on a peppermint and one of my molars shattered in half. I have an appt today to get it fixed, so I've been taking it easy on the food since. I had a Rita's Blendini for dinner last night so I didn't have to chew or worry about getting stuff up in there. I'm having yogurt for breakfast. I hate teeth, I wish I knew why mine were so brittle.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Had checkup yesterday. Showed doc "THE PANTS". They are the size 24's I wore a year ago. She was floored & made me show the nurses too. My hA1c came back 6.2 (which is good), and I asked doc about getting off of insulin. She did a blood test. Still waiting to hear results.

    Friend who refuses to do a 5k took a 3 mile walk with me yesterday... little does she know she just did a 5k, hee hee hee
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Katie- I hope your house is cleaner with some of them away at school! Ifoulnd that it doesn't make a whole lot of difference....they just trash it when they come home!:grumble: :tongue:

    Tandksmommy- That stinks about your tooth! Do you have enough calcium in your diet? Could that be the cause of brittle teeth?

    Trish- That's great news! Hope those blood tests come back great!

    As for preggers for me!:cry::cry: hopefully next month! In the mean time, I am runnign liek a fool with the cross country team. I am actually off to go run with them again this morning....welll I kinda turtle it in the back while they rabbit down the road!:laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi all! we're back from CA--dd1 had a GREAT time at camp even tho she got the stomach flu one night/day. and SHE'S SO GROWN UP! 2 weeks away from here and relying on herself and others besides mom, wow...she even said thank you to me w/o prompting!!
    so my job now is to continue what's been established....#1 this family must stop yelling.
    #2 more routine/order and ACTIVITY--using our energy in positive ways
    #3 stop babying my kids so they can achieve true confidence and independence (probably the HARDEST part for me)

    nicole--sorry about not pg. ((hugs))
    and trish--wtg! that is so funny how you "tricked" your friend. :)

    gotta get to the kids. later--
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    I'd like to join your group. I just start MFP this week and I'm still learning how everything works. I'm a SAHM to a 2yr girl and a 6yr boy. I'm ready to change me!
    How do I find this board again? Just search for it?
    Any help would be appreciated.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~sorry about not being prego! (((hugs))) Hopefully next month right?!

    Stacey~Man what would it be like to not have yelling going on in a house? That is something that we have been working on here. Hope that you and your family can attain that.

    Countryrose7~Welcome to the group!

    As for me I rode the bike to the local high school again today and jogged/walked around the track and then ended going up and down the stairs a total of 20 times. It felt great to do it! Well on the ride back to the house me and my workout buddy/friend got talking about what to do for exercise once it starts getting cold for winter. We have decided that we are going to go for the P90X during the winter. Hope I still feel up for it then. This is going to be a real test for me. In the past I have not kept up with the exercising in the winter. I intend on changing that this year. Well got to go I need to get some sleep so I can keep up with the rugrats tomorrow.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Ok ladies, I posted last week about joining the group and haven't posted since. I have been having a bit of difficulty getting the motivation to get going lately! The baby is waking up twice a night, which isn't horrible, but then having a 5 and 3 year old during the day makes it hard to rest when he rests. Oh well, huh!

    My son's first day of school is Aug 30, which happens to be his 5th birthday. It's preschool for him and he is soooo excited. So am I for that matter! He is getting bored at home and is making me nuts!!!

    SOO, here is my slightly hairbrained idea.....I have been wanting to start the Couch to 5K program, and since the baby is almost 5 weeks old I would really like to start soon. And I was thinking about registering for The Children's Hospital Race for Fetal Hope that is in November for some added motivation to stick to it. I know the C25K is a 9 week program and the race is in about 11 weeks.....keep in mind that I am not a runner but I want to be and the I don't really have any running experience. What do you all think?? Would this be pushing it or should I go for it? The race is in Denver, which is about 8 hours from where I live, so it would kinda be a big deal to do it. How about it ladies?????? Any suggestions or advice???

    And on that same note, since I am a beginner, any advice for starting out???? Any and all would be greatly appreciated!!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey- I know it's hard not to yell...we are working on that too! I also know it's tough to let them gain independence...but it also helps us grow as people too!

    Katie- Ask Sacey about the P90x...I know she really likes it! I have only heard good things about it.

    jtodacheeny- Definitely do the c25k program! I think it is a great program. I am a runner, and I think it is a great program for people to start a running program on. I can answer most questions about fire them away!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    jtodacheeny~I am not a runner myself but have been wanting to run more. I say go for it if you really want it.

    Nicole~I have talked to her about it a month or so ago. I then chickened out of it but that was before the friend decided she wanted to do it and for some reason I do things that I normally wouldn't if it was me and the hubby (like running up and down the bleachers).

    Well in an unrelated topic of exercise. I have been teaching myself how to play the piano. Well today I finally was able to play a song that you use two hands to play. I am so very excited. Oh and this morning I measured and I have lost a total of 61/2" off my hips since I started in April. It has been a pretty good day for me. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.