Sugar Free Red Bull

Яaquel Posts: 90
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
So I am Addictive to Red Bulls, I only Allow my self one in the morning it's like my coffee, just wondering will Red bulls in time make me diabetic or something worse? Are any others on here that have my same problem w Red Bulls??


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I used to be that way with Monster. I switched to lo carb monster and make a concerted effort not to drink multiple ones a day.

    If you're drinking sugar free redbull I would surmise that becoming diabetic is a minor concern if any. It does stress your heart out to drink too much (heart palpitations and whatnot). I wouldn't suggest giving them up completely because the key to being healthy lies in moderation. Try switching to only drinking them on weekdays, then every other day. You can make more decision based on that.

    You'll also realize once you cut down you intake that it actually will start having more of an effect on you.
  • I used to live on redbull and the only problem i came across was how extra you spend sat on the toilet. also more tummy ache leading to the said toilet
  • MC_Bos
    MC_Bos Posts: 4
    The only health concern would be the amount of B vitamins over the caffeine they put in it. I had a nutrition teacher tell me once that too many B vitamins will make you "hyper cranky".

    Here is a neat chart:

    As for the concern over heart problems - Red Bull doesn't have as much extra "energy blends" that includes natural amphetamines as Monster or other products out there.

    Red Bull doesn't have that much caffeine either - , a grande starbucks or large petes is much worse

    Anyway, I've been drinking "energy drinks" since I was a kid, they are big in Asia and have been for decades. It's just like a cup of coffee in the morning. Just make sure to drink lots of water!
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