Army Ready?? Soo not.. :(



  • rileyhunter169
    It's okay... No need to be guilty... Just get on dat der horse and ride.
  • CassaJ23
    Here is something to think about..and please don't take it the wrong way.

    You are a 22 y/o female almost 200 pounds on a 5'5 frame. Big boobs (as you stated) or not that is still alot of weight.

    You are looking to lose 40 pounds and inches just to meet the minimum for the Army standards. Unless you put a 150% effort into a life style change if you do lose this weight an inches by "dieting" you will be struggling to maintain weight and stay in shape for your whole enlistment.

    The military is not for everybody that is part reason why only 1% of the population serve.

    I hate to say it, but he's right. I'm currently enlisted in the Army and I'm pretty muscular so I never made TABLE weight but was always within the body fat standard. I ended up hospitalized last year and couldn't do so much as WALK more than necessary for months due to having pulmonary emobolisms and I gained about 30 pounds since I went from working out twice a day to not being able to do anything. I was used to eating what and when I wanted and all of that changed. Getting down to weight to get in??? It's not that great of an idea unless you're ready to keep it up forever. I'm on the weight control program now and it's HELL trying to get this last little bit off. Just something to think about. If you lose enough to get in? GREAT! Congrats! But once basic training and job training are over? Don't let yourself slip back into that lifestyle or you're gonna end up in trouble and kicked out eventually if you can't get it together.. Good luck!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Have you tried the 5:2 lifestyle? Sure works for me. You can do it.

    Key point for the originator is improving fitness, which will bring the eight loss. Given the amount of phys needed to reach entry standard and be fit enough to manage new entry reasonably easily then something like this isn't practical. Doubly so when she actually gets to new entry and has very little control over meal times and what's on the counter.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    But as I said none of this is an excuse if anything this is my motivation..

    From everything that you're saying it sounds like you need to ramp up your intensity on the phys, given the task based nature of your aspirations that's a matter of running outside and some improvements to upper body strength. You'll probably find that bodyweight strength training is enough, but to give you the intensity that you need I'd suggest circuit classes, rather than trying to do it on your own.

    That said, in my experience US Army do tend to be more weights focussed than UK, Aussi, or Kiwi who tend to do a lot more CV and circuit type training.

    You've recognised what caused the issue that you now have to deal with, a long hard look at your lifestyle as it stands justnow will help you identify where the vulnerabilities are.

    What trade is it that you're interested in joining?