IBS and food poisoning logging

Not a nice topic again from me, but I hope there are some who will answer truthfully and would like to hear from any fellow IBS sufferers..

Hi all, so I suffer from IBS and swing between Diarrea and constipation then today - & through the night I think I got food poisoning from a prawn curry... Very painful I have been throwing up and had diarrhea...

Iv logged the meal but I don't think I digested it...

There is no way to know my calories for yesterday...

Also wondering would I also be loosing logged cals when I'm in a phase of having the runs...


  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I had the stomach flu last week and I logged everything, even if I threw it up. I had the runs all day too. I would rather log it, than underestimate my intake. When I felt better I gave myself the day to eat at maintenance because I knew I was short on calories. I don't have IBS, but hopefully I answered your question.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    When you throw up, just log your food and keep going. IF you're hungry later, eat something.

    With IBS and those issues - your food has digested if you are eliminating it. Log it and keep going.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    if you are sick, just forget logging for a few days. Really. If you're suffering from vomiting and diarrhoea you will be in calorie deficit because your digestive system is emptying itself and you shouldn't be eating that much until it gets better. I can't believe people even consider logging at these times. It's not going to make or break it in terms of dieting success. It's what you do in your normal daily life that does that. Not what you do when you're suffering from an acute illness!!! Seriously! give yourself a break and let yourself recover, and don't start logging again until you're feeling well again. In the meantime, drink plenty of fluids and don't eat food if you're not feeling up to it, and when you feel you can eat, eat something that's very bland and gentle on the stomach, e.g. plain rice or toast.

    IBS is a bit different as it's a chronic condition. You should probably just just log whatever you eat, and assume your body's processing it normally. If you're excessively hungry or losing weight too quickly, then eat more, and if you're needing to eat more than calculators predict, maybe what you eat isn't being absorbed so well. But if you're losing weight at 1-2lb a week and not feeling excessively hungry, just log, track etc as though you're not suffering from IBS. You could try eliminating foods that people are commonly allergic and/or intolerant too, because some IBS is actually undisagnosed food allergy/intolerance. If you do this, keep a diary of foods eaten and symptoms, and eliminate and reintroduce foods one by one, so if it does make a difference, you know right away what the culprit is.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I have never understood this obsession. If you're sick, you're sick. I suppose you could do some scientific calculations by collecting the rejected food items, weighing, measuring, figure out the digestion rate, etc and come up with a formula but really in the grand scheme of things it isn't going to matter.

    As for diarrhea, it's depleting you of water, vitamins and minerals possibly but the amount of calories lost is probably minimal. There are far greater problems in the world to worry about.
  • mazamarie
    Yeah your right.. I was under calories anyway..

    Thanks for replies even you Monkey..

    I'm not obsessed over it - like I said no way to tell so logged any way...
  • mazamarie
    Mokey41 your a bit of a flamer, coming in and insulting, like thanks for that.. I wouldn't wish the IBS on anyone, but it's tempting ;)