lack of appetite, help?

I have a serious lack of appetite, to the point where I could happily go days without eating (I haven't, the longest I've gone is 36hrs without eating, I know its not great, I don't need telling), does anyone have any tips on dealing with this/boosting my calorie intake without boosting my food intake, if possible?


  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    eat calorie dense foods e.g. full fat milk and yoghurt, nuts. force yourself to eat at regular meal times so your body gets used to it.
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    I have never had this problem sadly. I am usually thinking about my next meal while eating the current one.

    However, i did know a girl once who said she sometimes forgets to eat. I licked her face in case it was contagious lol

    Just knowing thu that its not healthy for you i would suggest you try to eat or take a shake to keep some decent calories and nutrients in your body....have some fruit....your body will get used to expecting something if you make it a habit.
  • jukebox30
    jukebox30 Posts: 9 Member
    I feel like that this morning, It is rare, I would eat like fruit just to know your getting something in your system.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Eat something anyway. You don't have to wait for hunger to be the driving factor. Schedule a small meal of calorie dense food every few hours. Have full fat yogurt, peanut butter, nuts, eggs. Those things don't have a lot of volume, do have calories and nutrition and generally go down pretty easy.