Help please: What should I eat on my days off?



  • Would you tell an alcoholic to have a day off? It's just the same with us where food is our drug of choice. You don't take days off because it undos what you have done and could set you on another road where you gain even more. Instead you plan a reasonable diet where you can eat out occasionally and maybe have a treat once a week.

    That may work for you, but days off work for me. We're all different.
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    Log regardless of what you decide to eat. Even on bad days I log (take a peek at yesterday). I don't really take days off..saying that I don't restrtict any foods I like anways. If you want to eat out, eat out but just be honest and log. Life is always going to happen, so if I end up having a slice of cake, or a steak without really planning it, I'll have it , and work around it later.

    I think you may find that, eventually, you'll prefer healthier options the majority of the time, and feel slightly off after enjoying high cal, high fat treats. (thats my experience anyways..two weeks ago I had my masters graduation, worked hard on workouts all week, had a dinner of foie gras, steak and cheese for dinner and actually ended up getting sick from being so full of rich food)

    Enjoy your days off if thats what your going to do, but I would strongly suggest logging regardless, just to be mindful :) xxx
  • loserlee123
    loserlee123 Posts: 109 Member
    I don't take days off but I try to earn additional calories on the weekend and if I know what I am having for dinner, I usually enter those calories first and then figure out breakfast and lunch.
  • dan_IRL
    dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
    To rephrase what everyone else is saying. Don't think of it as "days off" just think of it as days where you work small indulgences into your lifestyle. If you want to go out to a restaurant with friends, do it. Just be mindful of what your eating. A cheeseburger and fries every great once in awhile didn't kill anyone. 10 cheeseburgers and fries a week, that's where you run into problems.

    I track everything every day. (at least most days anyway) Some days i'm going to go over. As long as the days you go over are far less than the days than you stay within your chosen range, you will be fine.

    Just lighten up your mentality on the whole thing and you will build healthy habits and behaviors that will keep you healthy for life.

    unfortunately for me, and i'm sure a lot of us on here, we are learning these things much later in life.
  • Log regardless of what you decide to eat. Even on bad days I log (take a peek at yesterday). I don't really take days off..saying that I don't restrtict any foods I like anways. If you want to eat out, eat out but just be honest and log. Life is always going to happen, so if I end up having a slice of cake, or a steak without really planning it, I'll have it , and work around it later.

    I think you may find that, eventually, you'll prefer healthier options the majority of the time, and feel slightly off after enjoying high cal, high fat treats. (thats my experience anyways..two weeks ago I had my masters graduation, worked hard on workouts all week, had a dinner of foie gras, steak and cheese for dinner and actually ended up getting sick from being so full of rich food)

    Enjoy your days off if thats what your going to do, but I would strongly suggest logging regardless, just to be mindful :) xxx

    Thank you sooo much! Will do! ????????????????????????????????????
  • To rephrase what everyone else is saying. Don't think of it as "days off" just think of it as days where you work small indulgences into your lifestyle. If you want to go out to a restaurant with friends, do it. Just be mindful of what your eating. A cheeseburger and fries every great once in awhile didn't kill anyone. 10 cheeseburgers and fries a week, that's where you run into problems.

    I track everything every day. (at least most days anyway) Some days i'm going to go over. As long as the days you go over are far less than the days than you stay within your chosen range, you will be fine.

    Just lighten up your mentality on the whole thing and you will build healthy habits and behaviors that will keep you healthy for life.

    unfortunately for me, and i'm sure a lot of us on here, we are learning these things much later in life.

    thank you. You've given me plenty to think about. ????????????
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've done years worth of research online

    I'm just an 18 year old girl

  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I find just working in treats now and then is better than taking an entire day off. I think that tends to be more effective in staying on track.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I don't take "days off," but I think of my calorie target as a weekly goal. Some days I'll eat a lot; others I'll eat less. And still others, I'll eat a lot but exercise a lot too. As long as it all balances out in the end, that's fine. I've even had a few days with negative calories (one day I ate around 3000 calories but bicycled 111 miles in the Berkshire Hills).