Kinect Adventures - Calories Burned

Hi there, me and my sister both excercised for an hour using Kinect Adventures for the Xbox 360, I was sweating and had my heart pumping by the end of it but I have no idea what to put into the Excercise Diary for this as Kinect Adventures is not listed :/

The exercise was varied, including jumping, stretching out arms, touch your toes ducking, leaning (stretching to left or right) and side stepping/forward and back steps. For this reason it is difficult to list it as any one thing without knowing the accuracy of the calories burned. I am a 300lb 5ft9 male and my sister is 5ft7 200lbs. Any advice? I know a Calorie device would be suitable but I cant really afford one at the moment.


  • Anyone?
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    On your main page, click on Exercise.

    Next, click on "My Exercises".

    This will take you to "Your Personal Exercises". On the right side of the page click "Create Exercise".

    Fill out the details, then click "Add."

    There ya go!
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Calisthenics, light effort ...
  • Thanks gmthisfeller, but as I mentioned, I have no idea as to what the calorie expenditure would be for the varied excercises as I do not own a calorie burner counter and therefore would struggle to complete that.

    Tigerbite, that seems perfect thank you very much.
  • lyzah
    lyzah Posts: 3 Member
    i usually put it under aerobics