Need help with C25K!



  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Arielle, girl, you can do this! First and foremost, you need to convince yourself of that!

    I realize everyone is different, but I'll share my experiences in case they help you find your way. This is my second time through the program. I finished it about 7 years ago, before my wedding and it helped me lose about 20 pounds, and that summer, I ran two 8k races. I was no speed-demon, but I finished them! And trust me, I had NEVER run before!

    Now two babies later, I finally decided to get back into it. I think I weigh about the same as you do. I've been doing c25k for just over 6 weeks, and just completed Week 4. I only count my workout as 'complete' when I finish all the running minutes. So if I cut off even just a minute or two one day, then I re-do that day on my next run. (I don't re-do the whole week.) This helps me convince myself to keep going during my run, because I don't want to have to re-do the same workout again. I also use music as motivation - just run to the end of the song. And when I am really struggling, I use the following countdowns to keep me going because I like reaching goals: if I still have 2.5 minutes to run (I'm currently running up to 5 min at a time), I'll think 'ok, only 5 more 30-seconds to go', '4 more', etc then when I get to about 1.5 minutes left, I start counting in 10 second intervals 'only 9 more 10-seconds to go', '8 more', then sometimes I count down the last 15 seconds, second-by-second. Ask yourself, if you're going to die or throw up? no? then keep going!

    I am currently a treadmill runner, because I am terrible at setting my own pace. If I run outside, I run too fast and totally wear myself out. When I run first thing in the morning, which is usually 2 out of 3 of my weekly runs, I do find it more difficult than a later morning run when I am hydrated and have eaten breakfast. I try to drink some water before starting, so I am at least a little bit hydrated, and I bring my water bottle with me. Some mornings, I will bring a handful of grapes with me, and I'll eat one during my walking interval for both the sugar to keep going and to freshen my mouth. (You know how sometimes water just tastes yucky first thing in the am?)

    I am planning to run the Race for the Cure as well. Don't give up. You don't need to be done your C25k plan by then. You can just run whatever week you're at - maybe week 4/5 with 5 minute run intervals. Just because you might not be ready to run 30 minutes straight, doesn't mean you should give up completely!

    If I were to make recommendations for you to try... slow down. Just to give you an idea, I am running 4.8 on the treadmill, which is a 12.5 minute mile. I will learn to run faster once my body is stronger. Try doing a few treadmill workouts to make sure you've got your pace ok. And get off the sidewalk! The concrete is the absolute worst running surface - are you able to find a low traffic route and at least run on the pavement?

    Here is a snippet from an article entitled "Where to Run":
    "Running on Sidewalks
    It is advised to stay off the sidewalks unless absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, most people tend to do the majority of their running on sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks have the hardest impact on a runner's legs of any running surface. Many sidewalks are cracked and uneven, leaving the runner exposed to the possibility of tripping. Also, sidewalks are not continuous and runners are constantly jumping up and down to cross streets."

    The rest of the article is here:

    You are doing a lot of lower body work - not that that is a bad thing, but try taking a full day of rest, then do your C25k workout. And don't forget your stretching!

    Hope something clicks for you!
  • irunwithscissors
    irunwithscissors Posts: 89 Member
    Hi! I am going to start week 3 tomorrow. When I started C25K I could run 2 full miles without stopping, so I felt it was silly to start at week 1, but I decided to anyway. Which was a great thing to do! Week one made me so tired by the end! I felt very rubbery and almost quit a few times. Even week 2 makes me tired.
    I read on a running site with the C25K running schedule on it, that the point is to get you running. Not how fast you can go or complete a 5k, its endurance and then you work on speed. I think that maybe you were running too fast? I do my walking at 3.5 and running at 4.5. If I feel run down I walk at 3.0 and run at 4.0. Yes that is running to me. Or jogging at least, and that feels comfortable right now.
    Also, stretching before and after helps a ton, I have noticed that if I don't stretch well before I start then I wear down easier, and stretching well (even better than before I started) afterward makes my legs feel good, then the next day when I jog again it doesn't hurt.
    My plan is to complete the 9 weeks at a speed that is comfortable for me, and then do it again to work on speed. I also would do a week over again if I didn't feel comfortable moving on. Good luck to you!