I wanna start lifting weights!!

I wanna start lifting weights but I don't have any idea where to start. I've read books and looked up exercises but I don't know how to start a routine. Right now I'm doing the insanity workout and I run as much as I can. (which when I have time ends up being over an hour at a time probably 3-5 days a week) I wanna tone up and lose the last 20lbs! My house has no room for a weight bench but I will get some dumbells or anything that I need to do the workout but I just don't know what kind of workouts to do :(
I would try to lift weights at the gym but I always go alone and the guys usually hog all of that equipment besides at this point I'd look like a fool trying anything over there anyway lol

Any advice on some sort of routine would be great!
I have no idea where to begin and it's starting to drive me crazy!! Lol

Please help!


  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5
    Starting Strength
    New Rules of Lifting for Women
    All Pro

    Go forth and google!
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    I have been using the videos for Body Beast. It has been a great starter in lifting for me and I'm liking it.
  • MissKriss3
    MissKriss3 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm a beginner and have been doing the stronglifts 5x5 program for about 6 weeks, its simple to follow only being 5 different exercises.
  • samiyan05
    samiyan05 Posts: 115 Member
    I looked up the 5x5 and you need a whole equipment thing and I don't have that :( anything with just regular weights and no bench or huge setup? At least until I move next year?
  • sarrah_n
    sarrah_n Posts: 192 Member
    I looked up the 5x5 and you need a whole equipment thing and I don't have that :( anything with just regular weights and no bench or huge setup? At least until I move next year?

    Body Beast can be done with free weights, a resistance band, and a yoga ball. I use weights from 5-20lbs.
  • trizzell79
    trizzell79 Posts: 153 Member
    Here is an at home routine that requires no equiptment. Maybe it can be a good starting point for you.

  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    I looked up the 5x5 and you need a whole equipment thing and I don't have that :( anything with just regular weights and no bench or huge setup? At least until I move next year?

    I've never understood the mentality of "I have no equipment will [utterly tiny] weights I have do?" I wouldn't expect someone to ask how to build a doghouse if all they have is a screwdriver.

    In any case, Craigslist is your friend. I built a home gym for under US$500 with all of the following:

    * 1000+ lbs of plates, from 1.25 lbs to 100 lbs
    * 450 lbs of dumbbells
    * Eight bars, including EZ curl and triceps bars
    * Collars everywhere
    * Olympic platform
    * Bumper plates
    * Incline/decline bench with lat pulldown
    * Flat bench
    * Bench AND power cages

    EDIT: Just noticed you're female. :embarassed: Check out Mistress Krista's site at http://www.stumptuous.com as well. She knows her stuff.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Is joining a gym out of the question?
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I looked up the 5x5 and you need a whole equipment thing and I don't have that :( anything with just regular weights and no bench or huge setup? At least until I move next year?

    I've never understood the mentality of "I have no equipment will [utterly tiny] weights I have do?" I wouldn't expect someone to ask how to build a doghouse if all they have is a screwdriver.

    In any case, Craigslist is your friend. I built a home gym for under US$500 with all of the following:

    * 1000+ lbs of plates, from 1.25 lbs to 100 lbs
    * 450 lbs of dumbbells
    * Eight bars, including EZ curl and triceps bars
    * Collars everywhere
    * Olympic platform
    * Bumper plates
    * Incline/decline bench with lat pulldown
    * Flat bench
    * Bench AND power cages

    EDIT: Just noticed you're female. :embarassed: Check out Mistress Krista's site at http://www.stumptuous.com as well. She knows her stuff.

    This times 1000!

    It sounds like you have access to full equipment at a gym, you just don't want to use it because the boys intimidate you. Get over that! If you are polite and seriously working, you have just as much right to be in the weight area as they do. Stop worrying about looking stupid. Using a good beginner program will make sure you know the proper form and using lighter weights to stat out will show that you're serious and DO have an idea of what you're doing.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Is joining a gym out of the question?

    Never mind. Didn't read whole OP. Lift at the gym! You pay dues just like the guys. Hell you could even ask them to help. They are probably perfectly nice.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm the same way with the gym. I just can't do it there. I'm doing ChaLean Extreme, but that cost a bunch of money between the weights and the program. I'm sure you can find things on youtube though.
  • LittleRaeJay1
    Me too I'd love to but honestly I feel so fat and scared to go to the weight room in my nearest gym because everyone in there is a) male and b) super stacked. I don't have a gym buddy so I just feel like I couldn't do it :(
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    I would try to lift weights at the gym but I always go alone and the guys usually hog all of that equipment besides at this point I'd look like a fool trying anything over there anyway lol
    As for looking like a fool, everyone has to start somewhere. People at the gym won't really be paying attention to you, they're doing their own thing.

    BUT a home gym won't help you if you don't know how to properly do exercises. You'll just end up at best not making the progress you should and at worst injuring yourself. Besides, you said that you don't have the space for it.

    Do you have a friend who knows how to lift weights? If so, go to the gym with him/her for a couple of weeks to get everything down.

    As for hogging the equipment, try to find a gym that doesn't frequent a lot of meatheads or find a time to go that isn't peak hours (basically, any time that isn't 5-7pm).
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Bottom line is that you can strength train without a weight set, but if you want to actually lift weights, as in progressive heavy lifting with full body results, you have to have a basic weights set including barbel, various plates, bench, rack, etc.
  • TeamAwesomeDanger
    I'm just starting my lifting routine, so I totally sympathize with feeling like an idiot in the weight area, but do it anyways! Nobody cares about what you are doing other than you. Here are some things that have helped me-

    Put on your headphones to block out whats going on around you (it helps me feel separated and less "visible" somehow),
    Youtube proper forms of lifts ahead of time and practice at home with just your body weight.
    Google or Youtube all of your moves ahead of time so you feel really comfortable with what you're doing. Hell, I Youtubed "How to use a squat rack."
    Go in with your plan all set (I am using the Stronglifts 5x5, so it's only 3 moves to remember per session), and just do it.

    If you are REALLY resistant to doing it on your own, set up a session with a personal trainer and ask them to teach you how to use the equipment and proper forms.

    You are likely going to feel like a major dork the first time or two, but I promise you will walk out feeling like a bad *kitten*.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    I can't do it either no matter how many people tell me to just get over it, who cares what they think, etc. So I get it. I just scored a bench with leg things, barbells and a bunch of weight plates for $100...Im excited to pick it up Sunday and start lifting!
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    I am a little 5 footer and screw the boys...I muscle my way in, find a bench..pick up my measly 15-20 lb weights and lift! No one bugs me, they probably respect me if truth be told as I just do my thing. Don't be intimidated! :)