That "Aha!" Moment.

When was the moment you told yourself " I gotta do this! I have to get this weight off!" Was it an unflattering picture of yourself? A health scare? What made you finally realize that something has to change, and for good this time?


  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    Back in July of this year, my bother recommended I start upping my water and cutting soda to try and lose some weight. I hardly ever weighed myself, I hated doing it. and at the doctors office I never let them tell me what the number was on the scale. (sounds weird but its the truth) after cutting soda and drinking water I had lost about 10 lbs. But on Oct, 31st of this year, I was the maid of honor in my best friends wedding. (The photo I have as my display image is a picture of me from that day.) Looking at the photos from that day, I was so angry at myself for letting myself get to this point. I don't know how it happened, I was 115 lbs when I started high school back on 2006. (I was on depression medication and I blew up but I don't think that's a real excuse. there should be no excuses for allowing this to happen to myself) I realized I had gained weight, but I had never seen myself the way I saw myself looking at the photos from her wedding. I weighed myself on the 4th of this month and saw the number 210 on there. I told myself its time to change this. Pretending it isn't real won't keep me from becoming sick from my weight. so I talked to my long time boyfriend, and asked him if he would help me reach a goal weight of 145 lbs he said he could use to lose a bit too and that we could work together and reach our goals. I found this website on the 7th of this month, we both signed up for an account, and I think we're addicted.
  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    I was winded by a single flight of stairs and I was like, "Oh my God."
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    For me, really it was seeing a friend of mine run the Marine Corps Marathon. I was supposed to run with her and injured an ankle a year and a half back and kinda never got back on the mission. That one hit hard since I felt like I let her down and also let myself down. I miss running and with my knee getting off the extra weight is something I have to do or I Know I'm risking hurting myself again.

    I've been a runner my whole life even after blowing out a knee, surgery and a rough recovery. Started making excuses and really have no one to blame but myself. So I'm taking control and getting my life back. Won't be able to do the historic half this spring so best I can do is push for the 10k and cheer her on if she decides to marathon it again in 2014 and work towards the half in 2015. It's going to be a long haul in getting back to where I should have been if I just got off the couch when I should have.
  • Wow. You guys are truly inspirational. I love hearing stories like these. One day people will be asking you how you lost all of this weight, and you will tell them triumphantly! Good luck in your endevours. ????????????
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Well, it was around spring equinox of 2012. I was a spring baby and spring has always been a time of rebirth for me. I was 39. I decided I wanted to be reborn by the time I was 40. I didn't want to carry the weight and most of all, binge eating disorder, with me into my 40s. The emotional weight of my illness was heavier than the weight of my fat. I decided to get real about addressing all the things my counselors always told me I should. I also decided to eat better when I wasn't binging and become more active. I didn't count calories for the first 40 of my 55 pound weight loss. I basically decided I had to just start acting like a fit, healthy, and sane person and the results would follow. They did. I trusted the process.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I was just on the verge of needing to shop in the plus size section.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have always burnt easily when out in the sun so when on holiday I used to throw a shirt or towel over me after getting out of the sea/pool until I got back in the shade.

    This progressed to putting a shirt on and buttoning it up completely as soon as I left the pool and leaving it on even when in the shade.

    This year I finally realised that this wasn't about sunburn any more, it was because I had become too self conscious and embarrassed to let anyone see me without my top on.

    I knew I had gained weight and knew that I needed to do something about it but that was the final straw