Well here I go again....

CinderellaMom Posts: 22
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I've tried so many different diets and workout plans in the past only to give up after a few weeks. I tend to get bored and make up excuses - "If I skip this workout, I'll just double up tomorrow" or "I'll eat this and just not eat at all tomorrow"- It never works out as planned. I am starting P90X today for the second/third time and I'm sticking with it 100% for 90 days! So whats different this time? Well I've joined My Fitness Pal and I made a promise both to myself and a friend. I'm also not doing it alone- a lot can be said for having a workout/diet partner. Someone to keep you motivated and answer silly questions. I'm really not worried about the physical workouts, its the diet that scares me. Very low carbs and high protein.... not my usual diet. Well here's to the next 90 days!!! :-) I can do it!!! I will do it!!


  • I have the same mentality sometimes - "If I skip this workout, I'll just double up tomorrow" etc and its pointless so Im being more strict with myself as well. No more picking at my desk while im bored either!!

    Good luck x
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    You can do this! After I joined MFP, I started doing the 30 Day Shred for the fourth or fifth time. I had never been able to stick to it before but now I'm the farthest I've ever gone with it and actually seeing results. I participate in a 30 Day Shred thread under my community. I don't have someone to be here to do it physically with me, but checking in every day to that thread has really kept me accountable.

    I hope you enjoy this site. I know I do. Kepping track of what I eat has never been easier, and seeing my progress daily really keeps me going!

    Good luck!
  • johnporcaro
    johnporcaro Posts: 76 Member
    In the infamous words of The Waterboy: "You Can Do It!" :)
  • Thank you thank you thank you......
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    this is an awesome site. It is full of information, motivation, and encouragement. Together we can and will do this......
  • So whats different this time? Well I've joined My Fitness Pal and I made a promise both to myself and a friend. I'm also not doing it alone- a lot can be said for having a workout/diet partner. Someone to keep you motivated and answer silly questions.

    thanks for the info on my post.
    The promise to yourself is big, it hardly ever works out if you are doing it for someone else. It's when you feel good about what you do for you!!! To have someone do it with you is GREAT!!! so far I don't have any takers here, but I am looking for someone to help me. I will do my best to post on MFP that will help with everyone in the community support. Hoping and Praying for your success with P90X.
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