No exercises allowed (except of walking)

Hi everyone,

been on MFP since September. I did various exercises, attended contact kickbox twice a week plus did some YouTube videos, such as 30DS, cardio, stretching, etc.

On Wednesday I had a dental surgery n am not allowed to do any exercises except of walking (it's impossible to do any jumps and push ups as the wound is still painful - having 34 stitches).

And I can only drink, no food and no drinks which contain bits as these could go to the wound and cause infection. I go for check up on 25 November.

My question is how can i loose some weight, when i can't do exercises and the drinks are so sugary? Tried some smoothies, actimel, juices but am exceed the sugar so much. If it would be raw fruit I would not mind but in drinks it's not good and am worried i will even gain some weight as I the drinks don't make me full for a long time so the daily intake is quite high.

Thanks for advices and if you want pls feel free to add me:)



  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    Never heard of dental surgery that prohibited any exercise, save for walking....but hope you can have those stitches out sooner than 25 November.

    Liquids that you can have? Suggestions: water (perhaps you can find a fruit-flavored water), no-pulp juice (it will be labeled as such; a real-fruit juice will have fruit sugar), low-fat milk.

    Can you have smoothies?
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    if you can't eat solids then how much weight do you think you are going to gain? just stick to what you *can* do and don't worry - if this results in a small gain, then that's life. you're talking about a two week period, not a lifetime sentence so keep things in perspective.

    Can you have soups (like a blended lentil soup)? that might give you some energy.

    Add some nut butter/tahini to the smoothie? that will add a little fat and protein tokeep you fuller longer.

    fuller fat yogurt - mix with a spoon and drink

    (If i recall from my surgery, you can't use a straw either - correct?)
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for advice. The Doc will remove the stitches on 25 Nov, so no chance i get rid of them sooner. He said it was major surgery (I got implants for all upper teeth and he had to put there some more marrow) and I still look like a hamster (the mouth, cheeks are swelling) and it's so painful to laugh. He said if i do some exercises, the implants can fall down as they are not settled yet. The surgery took 8 hrs and the procedure itself is really expensive so I don't want to take a risk to go to gym.

    Yes I can have smoothies, I drink one bottle per day. I drink lots of water (8-10 glasses) but it won't give me energy such as. I had also some milk yesterday but the sugar level per day is still high.
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for info. That' right, the straw is not allowed as the sucking movement could damage it. The doc said to drink only liquids by 25th november ( he said he would avoid soups also) and then no hard biting and chewing until 20 december. I was also thinking about the food for infants and toddlers...
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Thanks for info. That' right, the straw is not allowed as the sucking movement could damage it. The doc said to drink only liquids by 25th november ( he said he would avoid soups also) and then no hard biting and chewing until 20 december. I was also thinking about the food for infants and toddlers...
    that's an idea - ask him if you can have baby cereal, mix with some milk or yogurt.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much and concentrate of healing. I wouldn't weigh myself either, because the medication might cause water retention and there is no need to depress yourself. I ended up with kidney issues, because I didn't have enough water throughout the day as I didn't feel like having anything in my mouth.
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    Most people that had dental surgery like this end up losing weight because when you cant eat or drink most things, that tends to create a huge deficit. Dont worry about weight loss and just focus on healing. When I had surgery for my wisdom teeth, I ended up with an infection in the wound of one of my former wisdom teeth and was not only in pain with a huge face, but had to go to the hospital twice a day, every day, for IV antibiotics through an IV that I had to keep in my hand for 2 weeks.
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    The baby food is a good idea. Ask your doc if that is ok. You can make your own baby food really cheaply with a blender. While you're asking your doc about babyfood, ask him what else he would suggest. He's probably had many patients before you ask him the same questions on what they can "eat." He probably has some good suggestions.

    Another idea is bullion/broth. I drink that to fill me up sometimes. It's a bit high on the sodium, but it offers a nice break from the sugary drinks.

    I'd worry less about the sugar right now because of how limited you are in what you can eat. The main calorie number is the important number. If all you ate in a day was 300g of sugar you'd still lose weight. That much sugar isn't healthy, but it is not enough calories to maintain weight. Sugar isn't some secret creature that adds fat to your thighs--sugar is just a type of carb that gives your body fuel. As long as you consume a calorie deficit you will lose weight. I know eating sugar can make you hungrier than you would otherwise be, but most people on a liquid diet don't gain weight. Even if you do somehow manage to gain weight, you'll only be on this diet for a few weeks. Keep things in perspective.
  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    Walking is still great exercise and burns calories.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    CalNaturale protein shakes are a good option for a low-sugar, nutrient-rich meal replacement. You can get them at health food stores like Whole Foods or Earth Fare or I order them by the case from

    I also make protein shakes that are sweetened with only fruit or Stevia. There are lots of recipes for low calorie, low sugar smoothies on Pinterest, Michael Kory fitness site, or just do a Google search.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    I recently tried Hemp milk in a smoothie I made and found it surprisingly good. You may want to consider researching the nutrition it has and see if it's in line with your needs.

    Here's a link to some recipe suggestions with it from the website of the brand I use. I just found this now for the first time myself:

    Best to you!

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Get soup. Butternut squash, anything blended, or just whatever and blend it yourself. Just count calories and you can still stay under your goal, although I really wouldn't sweat it too much for now.
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks a lot everyone for suggestions and advices. I was talking on the phone with my doctor today, he said he'd drink only juices (not acid ones), smoothies and yoghurt, and the shakes which are used for diets instead of food.

    Baby food and home made smoothies as well as soups are allowed after the stitches are removed (so after 25th).

    Was walking 2 hrs today. I feel a bit sluggish, walked slowly but i guess it's due to food deficit.

    Anyway the face is swelling less, it's still bruising but the pain is manageable without painkillers.
  • loserlee123
    loserlee123 Posts: 109 Member
    I wouldn't worry about the sugar just count calories. I've lost 40 lbs just by walking and counting calories. Good luck!
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    I had a major oral procedure (oral cancer....and no, I don't smoke, don't chew, and rarely drink) done in July followed by 6 weeks of radiation that began in September. Let's just say my mouth was absolutely torn up and I couldn't chew or eat anything for a good portion of this time (be thankful that you can still swallow and don't need to rely on a g-tube for 6+ weeks like I've had to....). Ensure, Boost, and ScandiShake are packed with calories. They don't taste the greatest but whatever, beggars can't be choosers.

    Yes I'm sure your situation sucks but it will get better. Hang in there.
  • chelsea123453342
    I would try protein shakes and add fiber to it... also add spinach or kale to smoothies for added nutrition

    when i got my wisdom teeth removed I was on a liquid diet only as well. Don't worry about the sugars in fruit, it is natural and your body metabolizes it differently than it would for say a candy bar.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yo u might also try the liquid supplements for pregnant women. The name escapes me now but they're delicious with added protein and vitamins. Nice and creamy.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    You should not be trying to lose weight after surgery. You should be consuming at a surplus, to ensure your body has much raw material as possible so it can heal as completely and quickly as possible.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    You should not be trying to lose weight after surgery. You should be consuming at a surplus, to ensure your body has much raw material as possible so it can heal as completely and quickly as possible.

    This is true too. You need all the nutrients you can get for your mouth to heal.
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    You should not be trying to lose weight after surgery. You should be consuming at a surplus, to ensure your body has much raw material as possible so it can heal as completely and quickly as possible.

    Yes this. Surgery and the resulting wounds create stress and the need for the body to marshal its resources to heal the issue. A calorie deficit is added stress as is strenuous exercise which also creates microdamage to the muscles. Doing all of these things at once is asking for delayed healing and lowered immune system activity.

    I'd go with the doc's recommendation for food and use meal replacement shakes to meet needs that other liquids weren't covering and work on getting enough energy in to allow me to heal. As for exercise, taking walks and other light activity as you feel able is probably your best bet.