Looking for friends with similar goals

Hi, I've been on MFP for a while, but never serously worked at losing weight until October 5 of this year. I'm seeking friendship with others with similar weight loss and health goals. I have a long way to go and I need encouragement. I promise to be the same for you.



  • I too recently made a decision to change my life and was so glad to be steered to MFP by my nutritionist. And like you I am looking for friends to help motivate and support each other on this journey. Please add me if you would like.
  • rosevalleygirl23
    rosevalleygirl23 Posts: 55 Member
    What are your weight and health goals? Your profile is private.

    I have 100 lbs to lose, 25% there. I'm losing 1-2 lbs a week, slow and steady. I want to be active and healthy so exercise is important. If I don't get to the gym, I fall back on my fitbit and try to get 11,000 steps done a day. I like friends who eat real food, not prepacked frozen meals and shakes.

    Feel free to friend me if we are a good fit.
  • You can add me if you like.