Why am I GAINING weight?

I have been doing this for two weeks now. On August 2, my weight was 140.5. It fluctuated a lot throughout the week (as would be expected), and then, on August 9, dropped to 138.5. I usually weigh at night, when I know that I weight the most, but I decided to weigh a few minutes ago and my weight was 142.9! In a week, I have GAINED four and a half pounds! It might even be more than that because my other weights were in the evening. ***sob***

I am keeping my food intake within 100 calories of what I am supposed to eat (1200 calories plus some exercise calories), am exercising 30 minutes every day, and am keeping my salt intake down. I am also drinking a lot of water.

I know weight fluctuates, and that some of that weight could be water weight, but this is VERY discouraging. I seriously doubt that ALL of that weight gain is water weight.

This is very upsetting.


  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    Are you weight training? A pound of it could be muscle weight. The rest is probably water... I gained 2 lbs between yesterday and today and I KNOW it's just water. I was calorically very good, but I didn't drink any actual water yesterday.
  • susandersons06
    I hate the scale! :mad:
    I find myself wondering how true it really is? :noway:
    I think we must have to weigh ourselves completely naked & at the exact same time every single time in order to get a true reading.
    And lets not forget we have to make sure it is sitting on the same spot on the floor :laugh:
    It IS frustrating! Even when I noticed my jeans were not as tight~The dreaded scale said different!
    So, I am trying to convince myself that if my clothes are fitting better, I am exercising more, and the scale still wont budge~ Oh Well! At least I am healthier :drinker:
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Due to digestion I wouldnt recommend weighing in at night. Try weighing in first thing in the morning after you use the restroom. Always try to wear the same (very light) clothing, with the scale in the same place, and at the same time. All these factors can cause the dreaded scale to show an increase. Best of luck
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    I've had similar things happen. I think almost everyone on here has. It took me quite a while before the scale budged. It's water.

    I would suggest taking your weight in the morning if possible though. It seems to be the most consistent time of day to do it. Just wake up, use the bathroom, and weigh yourself. It seems like most folks don't wear anything while weighing. But if you wear almost the same thing to bed then that'd be consistent too.

    Since you've been doing your exercises and drinking lots of water I'm sure it's just your body trying to repair the muscle you're building. I've read your muscles will hold more water when that happens.

    You should also keep track of measurements. Some folks see a difference there before they see a difference on the scale.

    Keep at it.
  • stringcheeze
    Even when I noticed my jeans were not as tight~The dreaded scale said different!

    Your clothes are a more accurate judge. Seriously!

    Get yourself a tape measure (the kind for sewing will do) and keep track of your progress by how your body decreases in size not by its weight.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I know it's discouraging but I bet if you weigh yourself in a few days it'll go down again. Also, could it be your close to time of the month? Sometimes I jump up to 5 pounds!
  • sarah6207
    It could be muscle, water weight, the battery in your scale could be going *crosses fingers*:) but don't let 4lbs get you down!! if you're like me all it takes is one negative comment, one negative scale experience and im down for the count, laying in bed with a bag of chips, a soda and a re-run of Oprah playing. I'm determined to get healthy and to look better, first and foremost. Keep your head up, get naked every Sunday or every whatever-day you want, weigh in in the morning and DO place your scale in the same spot everytime! AND make sure your floor is level, i found out the hard way that it does make a difference! good luck & put a smile on:)<3
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hello patriot,
    If you are a female be aware that depending on what time of the month you are, the weight may fluctuate due to water retention and hormonal umbalance. Also use the same scale, everytime that you weight yourself.
    Weight yourself only once a week, at the same time of the day, before eating anything, after using the bathroom, and with (preferably without) the same clothes. Even a light par of pants will make a difference.
    Try this: weight yourself in the morning, with just your birthday suit on, and before eating anything, and after using the bathroom. Weight again at night, before going to sleep, without clothes and register the difference.
    Do not weight yourself a different times of the day, or very often, because you will get very frustated. Be patient, keep recording calories intake and calories burned with excercise, and don't forget to add in your excercise diary house work, gardening, etc.
    Make sure that you are not with "calory deficiency" because your body will go on starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down.
    Good luck!
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I will try not to get too discouraged. :)
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Well, according to your profile your BMI is 22. That is on the low/middle side of PERFECT. Maybe your body does not want to lose weight.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Don't weigh yourself. Take measurements once a month instead.
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Well, according to your profile your BMI is 22. That is on the low/middle side of PERFECT. Maybe your body does not want to lose weight.

    That's my fear- that my body is at its "desired" weight. But it seems a little on the high side to me. I won't make any changes to my food and exercise (from what I am doing now) and will see if the weight stays the same, drops, or whatever. :)
  • bluehorsesjp
    Well, according to your profile your BMI is 22. That is on the low/middle side of PERFECT. Maybe your body does not want to lose weight.

    That's my fear- that my body is at its "desired" weight. But it seems a little on the high side to me. I won't make any changes to my food and exercise (from what I am doing now) and will see if the weight stays the same, drops, or whatever. :)

    I have a similar problem and have been bouncing around from 125-122 range. I even weighed myself first thing in the morning and then 40 minutes later after I did chores. I was 1 pound heavier..... grrrrr!

    So I do use the scale as a loose guide. If I "over indulge" a day or two, or miss a couple of work outs I make sure that am not gaining more than 2 lbs. I try to vary my calorie intake to keep my body guessing a bit. I try to take what the scale says with a grain of salt.

    My BMI is also 22. So that is perfect weight wise. What I am working on now is becoming more toned and lean. There is a huge difference with that. I have a pair of jeans that are a size 4. Last year I had surgery and got down to 122, and yet I could not wear these jeans comfortably. They were still too tight in the thigh and butt. So this year I have been doing Chalene Extreme and building muscle, well I should say toning muscle. I can comfortably fit into these jeans even though my weight is fluctuating like I said above.

    I would focus more on toning, and on measurements. Still weigh yourself every morning, but just use that # as a guide. As in opps I am up 2lbs I guess I can't have an extra serving or a treat. Oh I am remaining steady, I can have half a cookie..... more that type of thing.