Need help with Weightloss While Breastfeeding

Hello all!
My name is Modesty, I am currently pregnant and my baby is due in January. I will be a first time mom. Quickly, some background info, I have never felt good about my body, and I have struggled with being overweight my whole life. I am 22 and 5'2'. My pre pregnancy weight was 155 and I am currently 152 pounds. I lost 35 pounds when I first got pregnant. My projected weight when I give birth will be 160-165. I will be breastfeeding only. With that background info, here is my goals:
My goal weight is 120.
I want to lose the weight (yes this is including baby weight you automatically lose) within 5 months after giving birth.
What I need help with is knowing the minimum calorie intake I can do without reducing milk supply, what would be some healthy diets other moms have tried and whether or not they worked.
I know nothing about dieting while breastfeeding, so any advice would be helpful! Thank you :)