Any Tough Mudders out there!

A group of friends and myself signed up for the tough Mudder next June in Whistler, BC. Need to be able to run a minimum of 10K. Any new runners out there just getting started. I workout 4-5 days a week but running is something I usually only do if I'm being chased. Hard to get motivated.


  • Ian_Stuart
    Ian_Stuart Posts: 252 Member
    I've done 2 Tough Mudders and several other adventure races. I've been running for years and getting up off the couch to go for a run is STILL hard. Fortunately the mudder is fun (for some definition of the word fun) and the obstacles give you enough of a break in the running that you really don't need to be able to run 10 unbroken kilometers. If you do regular crossfit style workouts you could probably finish the mudder without specifically training running. Not that I recommend it, but it could be done.
  • Looks like there aren't too many Mudders out there. It's my intention to be able to run. As much as we are going to have fun and try something new, I am really competitive (mostly with myself) and definitely do not want to be the weakest link. Cardio and upper body strength will be the things I need to work on. I've been doing the "mudderling" circuit that is posted on line when I can't get to the gym. Just about ready to step it up to level 2. It's been good for me to have a goal where I will be accountable to other people. I don't struggle with a lot of issues that other MFP users do....I just suffer from the "mommy syndrome" where it's so easy to come up with excuses for not being able to find the time....when we all the time if we make it. What was worst obstacle for you in the Mudder? I'm sort of freaked out at electric eel and the arctic enema! Lol
  • A group of friends and myself signed up for the tough Mudder next June in Whistler, BC. Need to be able to run a minimum of 10K. Any new runners out there just getting started. I workout 4-5 days a week but running is something I usually only do if I'm being chased. Hard to get motivated.

    Just a chuckle....I only run if being chased too! :noway:
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    You don't actually need to be able to run that far. It's more like run .25 mile, wait at obstacle, do obstacle, walk 100 yards while you catch your breath, repeat.
  • I done TM in Scotland august of this year, it was 12 miles broken up by 20 obstacles so your running for half a miles or so do a obstacle run onto the next. I've pre-registered to do it again next year. Defo need cardio and upper strength
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    Not a Mudder yet, but I'm signed up for the Aug 17, 2014 in Toronto... I'm the same, I need to work on my cardio and upper body strength. I'm doing NROLFW with walking/running in between.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I would say strength is more important than cardio for the TM. I did it last month and both of us were injured, it's a lot of fun but I didn't feel like it was actually very physically demanding. Just a fun time with a good friend!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Im running the one in Hudson WI in July 2014....I have been told to focus on Strength....and stamina. Good Luck!
  • Im running the one in Hudson WI in July 2014....I have been told to focus on Strength....and stamina. Good Luck!

    Strength is key there were 3-4 that you really need strength to be able to pull yourself over the high walls etc, but don't overly worry everybody helps one another on some i struggled and was helped, on others I helped others to get through it, when your doing it there really is a sense of your all in this together. You do need cardio as well as you are running for twelve miles ok it's broken up by obstacles
  • I ran the one at North Star Tahoe this past summer.
    I didn't train running at all, and I hate it and I did just fine.
    I do strength train 6 days a week though. About a month prior I really focused more on crossfit type workouts.

    It's amazing what your body can do when it comes down to pushing yourself in that kind of situation. Like I said I never ran and I ran the whole 12 miles. The obstacles are really what saves you haha. I wanna say he longest we went without an obstacle was about 2 miles and it was all down hill for us.
  • Tough Mudder here, Oohrah!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Did the Perth mudder about a month ago now.
    Great fun, I'm only running about 5km and my cardio level was fine. I didn't run the entire course though I could have solo'd the course as the obstacles weren't as challenging as expected. I'm thinking about running it twice next year. Once for time solo and once with friends for fun.
  • jennycully
    jennycully Posts: 35 Member
    Have done 2 mudders in New Zealand, first one 6km's and 2nd one 12km's. Was hard but a lot of fun. Was a very cold weekend when we did it so my advice would be that if you're running in the cold to keep your head warm and hair dry.

    Just take it as it comes, don't stress and enjoy yourself, you'll be great!
  • slowbubblecar
    slowbubblecar Posts: 91 Member
    I did the tough mudder Minnesota (actually in wisconsin) last year and will be doing it again in 2014. I'd focus first on the running/cardio aspect of things and worry about the strength part after. Most of your time will be spent running and you can get help on the strength obstacles. You can't really get help with the running part... While they are 10-12 miles, you don't need to prepare for running that distance non-stop. I never completed a run/jog more than 6 miles before doing the tough mudder last year and was able to jog the entire thing without miuch of an issue. I am hoping I can complete all of the obstacles without any help in 2014. I also recruited more friends to come too.
  • amanda9402
    amanda9402 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm signed up for the Tough Mudder New England on May 31. I'm also interested to hear what people are doing for training.
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    I did Tough Mudder in Montreal this past July and we are forming a team to do it again. I hated the electric obstacles and I am planning on skipping them next year....I think they are stupid and prove Will work more on upper body strength this time.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I did Tough Mudder in Montreal this past July and we are forming a team to do it again. I hated the electric obstacles and I am planning on skipping them next year....I think they are stupid and prove Will work more on upper body strength this time.

    Haha, I actually loved the electric obstacles (though I am a freak) and did the arms spread walk through electroshock therapy
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I did Whistler last summer! Practice hills... do some steep hiking trails. Whistler is a lot of hiking. Some running. You basically go up the side of the big huge Olympic ski jumps then do a mud mile at the top while winding back down, but there was quite a bit of running. Feel free to add me if you want or message me for more info.

    EDIT: I'm in the Okanagan Valley too :)
  • I am doing the Tough Mudder (my first) on April 26 in Vegas. I’m not in very good shape but started a program called Couch to 10k and I'm strength training 3 days a week. Once I get my cardio up I’m going to add in circuit training to build strength and stamina.
  • I am doing the Colorado TM in September of next year. The elevation of the course is around 8000'. That alone should add a whole new layer of complexity. I am going to start training in earnest in January.