
Hey (:

I'm 19. 4'11, 49.8 kg atm, looking for MFP friends who aren't really able to do a lot of exercise like me! Recently ruined my knees.. twice lol ): So I'm not even allowed to walk too much let alone do any other useful form of fat burning cardio. Looking for people who share my struggle so we can support each other through recovery and still manage to lose some weight through healthy diet choices and strength training (: Can't wait until I can get back to my running!!!

Add me if you wish (:


  • hey im allison. just joined MFP. Sorry to hear about your poor knees, must make things difficult for you, what sort of exercise you finding helpful? Im nowhere near the same sort of difficulties as you but my asthma makes cardio difficult, running at the moment is a no go! Was attempting some aerobics this morning, pretty low impact stuff and I felt like there was a tonne of bricks on my chest after 15mins!! So was thinking of focussing more on strength and toning stuff to begin with. Good luck!!
  • PinkkCamel
    PinkkCamel Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Allison! Nice to meet you (: Atm I'm just doing really basic stuff at home lol. I do physio exercises for knee strengthening/stabilisation, and then just throw in some bridges, sit ups, dumbell exercises. Nothing special really haha. Feels like I do practically nothing compared to running 10km a day before more strength training!

    Oh wow I can't imagine how frustrating that must be ): I hope you can find some solutions to relieve the symptoms a bit or even some lung strength exercises to improve capacity etc? Maybe that'd help? THat's a hard condition to deal with ): I hope we can both find some solutions for our problems eventually! Good Luck to you too (:
  • smelons
    smelons Posts: 450 Member
    Hi! I can't exercise much and occasionally do a bit of walking, so focus mainly on diet. Feel free to add me!
  • PinkkCamel
    PinkkCamel Posts: 47 Member
    Added (:
  • I don't really like to work out. Sometimes, I like to participate in some sport just for the activity and I have taking up walking the occasional 5k. For the most part my focus has been my diet. I used to be 5'8" and 254lbs. I am now down to 145lbs and trying to keep it off. My main thing was eating though. I now try to eat smaller meals that are more balanced more frequently.
    Motivation to get out and do things was always rough for me when I was younger because my sister was always more athletic and would tease me about my weight an how clumsy I was. Thankfully, I have gotten over most of that; however, I am still clumsy and manage to twist an ankle or something if I am not paying close enough attention to my surroundings.
  • jerseygene
    jerseygene Posts: 131 Member
    Hi I am in the same boat with a bad knee going in to have it dun but that will be a long time off. I am trying to keep active but its difficult I am trying to get rid of a lot of weight I need to go down 5 or 6 stone so I have a long way to go. I have dun a lot of gym work and weights in the past and was quite fit at that time but over the last for or five years I have left my self go and its time to sort that out. I am looking forward to getting going again and trying to get in to shape. I am going on a big cruise next year to Alaska so that's my incentive to loose the weight and get in to shape. So feel free to add me is-well
  • PinkkCamel
    PinkkCamel Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks guys! Good to know I'm not alone. Added (:
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    That must be so hard! Maybe u can do ab work or lift light weights to tone the upper body for now? Muscle mass burn calories all day. What about old school "sittercize"? Do a you tube search for sittercize. Even when ur resting.
  • PinkkCamel
    PinkkCamel Posts: 47 Member
    Yeah for now I'm trying to do upper body work haha. Not sure whether it's worth joining the gym for it tho! I was going to join the gym before my knees got worse lol but yeah. And it sucks bc I have almost no upper body strength at all LOL but then I guess that's all the more reason to work at it! (:
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    My friend joined the gym when his knees went he uses the upper body bike (peddling with arms) for cardio and the weight machines to gain upper body strength it's worth heading to the gym if that's what you want to do and check out what machines they offer before you join that'll be suitable for you :smile: