I started my journey at the beggining of the year. so far I have lost 45lbs. I still have over 100 more to lose. I have slacked off the last few months, but really need to get back into the groove of things. I was doing so well! I am hoping I can find some friends on here that can help motivate me, and keep me pushing forward. That might be able to help me stay on track and be accountable for my actions. My biggest downfall is my food choices. I am such a picky eater that its hard to make myself eat food I dont like it. Hoping to get some advice on how to start eating right. Thanks!


  • I'll be your friend, lol. Wow 45 lbs. Why would you stop after seeing such great results. None of my business but you are back and that's all that counts. Come on Girl, go big or go home, lol. What better time to lose weight then now. No excuses, log your food and you can add my as a friend if you like :)