lost it once and blew it!!

Has anyone else had a similar experience? I have almost got to goal and then lost my mojo,,,,started eating badly and gaining weight. Nothing drastic but I have gone up a dress size and now need to refocus and not end up at the beginning again befor its too late.


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Yes, I got to goal, kept it off for 4 yrs then due to health, medications, laziness and using food for comfort gained it all back. so here I go again. It is good that you caught it before you gained it all back. You can do it, just get back on track
  • slaughlin
    I'm currently going to Weight Watchers have lost 38lbs,but now i dont seem to be doing any good.One week i lose then the next i gain i need to focus and get back on track,that is one reason i joined hoping it will motivate me again.
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Boy do I know that song. I lost almost 50 pounds on WW and was maybe 40 pounds away from my goal weight. I gained it back and then some. I also did Nutra System and loss my weight and then gained it back. This time I am going to actually reach my goal and keep it off.

    If you wnat feel free to add me to your friends list and we can reach our goal together.
  • msmagic
    msmagic Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah thnaks for that!! Am trying to stick with the programme and keep away from snacks,, its hard when you have been big because this generally means that you enjoy your food. This is the case for me, I hate to be hungry!
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    I hear ya. My wife and I were losing together on WW and i got down close to my goal and then we went to Prague, CR for a week. I never got back on my diet when we returned and gained everything back.

    I think the key for me this time is realizing that this is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change and a lifestyle choice.

    Some of the hardest work is in the beginning. Keep going at it every day!
  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    I'm willing to bet EVERYONE on this site has played that game (i've done it a few times myself) but this is the first time I had a continuous site I could rely on. So I want to thank everyone who is reading this and everyone who belongs to MFP.