Anyone done Slim Fast and been successful ?

So I'm back on the slim fast plan again (day 1 = torture), I've lasted a couple of months on it and lost nearly 2 stone, but I've come back off it for the past 4/5 months and put on 6 pounds.
Has anyone done it for a longer period, has anyone got any tips for staying on it longer? I feel once your into it's easy but as soon as you break it , it's so hard to get back into


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Same as any fad diet - most people are successful when losing weight but as soon as 'normal' meals are reintroduced the weight goes back on. It doesn't teach portion control and doesn't change eating habits in the long run.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Unless you're going to do Slimfast for the rest of your life, it's not worth it IMO. Plus, the shakes were very chalky to me when I tried it as a teenager.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    So I'm back on the slim fast plan again (day 1 = torture), I've lasted a couple of months on it and lost nearly 2 stone, but I've come back off it for the past 4/5 months and put on 6 pounds.
    Has anyone done it for a longer period, has anyone got any tips for staying on it longer? I feel once your into it's easy but as soon as you break it , it's so hard to get back into

    Yes I've done Slim Fast......was I successful?

    Yes - I lost weight ......and

    NO - I did not keep it off.

    Because you are on Slim Fast AGAIN.....obviously you're experience is like mine.

    MFP is a place to log "real" food & exercise. These things are teaching you "lifestyle changes." Slim Fast does not teach you how to keep the weight off......which is great for them because they can sell you their products again and again.

    Logging food & measuring is a pain......but you are learning so much. Besides, Slim Fast is high in sugar....if you're going to do the shake least make your own. Fruit, spinach, protein powder and milk.....lots of healthier options.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Same as any fad diet - most people are successful when losing weight but as soon as 'normal' meals are reintroduced the weight goes back on. It doesn't teach portion control and doesn't change eating habits in the long run.

  • paulylovesme
    Eww gross go back quick.
  • kathyflannery129
    kathyflannery129 Posts: 151 Member
    While i was searching for the "magic bullet" in weight loss i tried this...lost a little but as soon as i started eating real food i gained it all and more back....until i embraced a new lifestyle of healthy eating i yo-yo'd trying everything under the sun...but now i have lost 71 pounds and eat normally...just make better choices and control my isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change that you can live with and live longer and better
  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    Same as any fad diet - most people are successful when losing weight but as soon as 'normal' meals are reintroduced the weight goes back on. It doesn't teach portion control and doesn't change eating habits in the long run.

    Exactly! You lost weight and gained it back from stopping the Slim Fast diet. You may as well eat something you're going to enjoy and try to eat better instead of going on the Slim Fast Diet.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    Unless you're going to do Slimfast for the rest of your life, it's not worth it IMO. Plus, the shakes were very chalky to me when I tried it as a teenager.

    That's exactly how I remember them being.

    Why not switch slim-fast out for something that will be more satisfying for longer? You can eat a serving of greek yogurt for about the same amount of calories (less, in some cases). Then, when you decide to maintain, you're not having to wean yourself off of anything.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Edit : read it wrong!
  • bradylogan1979
    Slim fast has tons of sugar and isn't really balanced. Your better off just eating a healthy diet with a calorie deficit.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    (day 1 = torture)
    That right there is not a good sign for long term sustainability of this diet, is it?

    The thing is, there is nothing special about slimfast - nothing. It helps you create a calorie deficit, and that's it. You can do that with food. It just takes a bit more effort learning about which foods are calorie dense, which are not calorie dense, how different foods make you feel etc. People tend to be drawn to things like slim fast because it takes away the stress of having to make choices about food. But, as soon as you stop doing the diet, you're faced with real world choices about food again. It's honestly better to try and deal with that stuff now, and learn to eat food that you enjoy moderately.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Not personally but my sister in law did it. Lost tons of weight and has maintained for 2 years now.
    After coming off the shake diet, she switched to whole foods and eating in moderation. Previous to the shakes she was eating garbage food constantly.

    Eta: she was miserable every day on that "diet" though. I suggest just eating at a defecit and forget that nasty stuff.
  • THECaptainObvious
    THECaptainObvious Posts: 399 Member
    I was only successful on Slimfast when I got my wisdom teeth out and couldn't eat solid foods.. Once my mouth healed I tried eating one solid meal with the slimfast for the other meals and lost a few pounds but in the end gained it all back.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Same as any fad diet - most people are successful when losing weight but as soon as 'normal' meals are reintroduced the weight goes back on. It doesn't teach portion control and doesn't change eating habits in the long run.

    Exactly! You lost weight and gained it back from stopping the Slim Fast diet. You may as well eat something you're going to enjoy and try to eat better instead of going on the Slim Fast Diet.

  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Slim fast has tons of sugar and isn't really balanced. Your better off just eating a healthy diet with a calorie deficit.

    and this.
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    i lost weight but i was starving even after drinking them, i was fuller using protein shakes twice a day and eating one healthy meal and veggies and fruit for snacks
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Sorry, but I don't think you're going to find a Slim Fast success story here because we are all real people, not paid advertisements. When you stop drinking Slim Fast, you'll just gain it back.

    Why not start eating at a reasonable calorie deficit and lose the weight for good, learn about healthy eating in the process, and keep it off! There are plenty success stories here that work that way.

    Good luck to you! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I lost 10 lbs in college using shakes. Was it advisable? No. But I didn't know any better. And I have kept it off all these years by being diligent about weighing myself regularly and controlling calories. People would say that I am 'naturally thin' but they don't realize the thought and work I have put into keeping myself this way, my whole adult life.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    The reason why Slimfast shakes work is because you are only consuming about 190 cals for an entire meal. That's it. It creates a deficit right off of the bad and isn't solid. For that amount of calories, you could have 1/2c. greek yogort (fage 0% is only 65cals), a drizzle of honey (about 5g is 16cals), fresh blueberries (about 50g is only 28 cals), an egg (XL is 80cals) that totals right at the same as the Slim Fast. Add in a slice of regular whole wheat toast (most are 60 per slice) and you would still be under 250 cals. And you wouldn't be miserable and would feel full. Heck, at less than 250, you could add in another slice of toast or even a couple of slices of bacon or just make the other servings slightly bigger! I frequently eat toast with butter and jam, bacon, and coffee and still come under 400 cals. And there ARE breads out there with no added sugar that are sliced thinner that only have right at 35 cals per slice. There is just NO reason to not eat real food. I'm not saying Slimfast is evil and if you wanted to use the chocolate or coffee one as an afternoon snack with some fruit or something then that would be ok, but you need to be aware of what you are putting in your body and traditionally, Slimfast fails because after people lose, they don't know what REAL food to eat. That's why when doing shakes so many people suggest making them yourself and logging individual ingredients because you start to learn the 'value' of different food items. Good luck whatever you choose!