Thirty Plus Years - Rollercoaster Journey to Health

I am 45 and have been on a "diet" since I was 13, now I wish I weighed what I did 'back in da day'. I've recently moved from NY to GA and have been dealing with many changes; mostly good and some challenging. Thankfully, I have a great support system here with daughter, son-in-law and my grandchildren. I had progressively gained my way to little over 300 and have been slooooowwwllly losing AGAIN (in the past few months) to my current 283 but this weight - lowest, of course, varies by different scales I've been on. I have adult onset diabetes (created by my unhealthy lifestyle), severe sleep apnea and exercise induced / asthma related breathing issues to go along with my knee and lower back pain, etc.

I know I've lost more weight recently along with all the changes I've made in my personal and work life and am pleased with my progress from the inside out. I am looking for others MFPs that can relate and with whom together we can motivate each other to not give up no matter what; I've been consistently inconsistent and want to be consistently consistent in ensuring that my health becomes as much as a priority as I make my family, friends and work. I've lost and gained so many pounds in the past 30 years and I want off this rollercoaster ride (not that those aren't fun, but I can't fit into one - Yet). I have my faith, my family, my friends and look forward to adding others interested in following the rest of this journey to health together.


  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I wish you the Best. When you get some control of your "Diet" and Wt. Loss, learn to Control your HEALTH. A few suggestions are on My Profile. Be Well, Live Well.
  • TxButterfly47
    TxButterfly47 Posts: 2 Member
    I encourage you to do whatever you are able to in order to regain your strength and good health. I, too, am and have been struggling with my weight for too many years to count. I have finally decided that if there is going to be a change in my life, it is up to me. I have great support from family and friends, but, I know that my main support will be coming from my Heavenly Father who wants the best for me. I will turn to Him daily praying for strength, knowledge and wisdom and I will most certainly be praying the same for you, if you don't mind. My faith is what has kept me going. Be Happy, Laugh a lot and Enjoy your grandchildren.