I think I messed up my metabolism!

Hi! I've been reading these forums for a few months and finally decided to join and post because I could really use some help. I am 25 years old, female, 5'3, 128 pounds. Two years ago I was 138 never dieted or exercised and started counting calories and working out moderately until I reached 108 which I believe was too low.

I have been a dog walker since April so I walk and jog a little everyday, usually between 10-20 miles overall at varying paces. My weight plateaued so I started juice fasting for cutting calories drastically to 600-1000 a day plus exercise (I also do Pilates, yoga, and minimal weight training at home with a kettlebell and small weights).

I lost weight initially and the couldn't lose which makes sense based on what I've read in this board- I won't call it starvation mode because that term seems not to sit well with many people, but I definitely slowed my metabolism and over the last 7-8 months gained back 20 pounds (not of muscle-trust me) by having cheat binge days during that

Now I am upping my calorie intake to fix my metabolism and am eating very healthy- watching carbs, sodium, and sugar as well as eating lots of healthy fats, proteins, fruits and veggies. I added some fitness classes after work such as zumba and core toning and will be starting a weight training program at my gym to get back the muscle I lost-

where I need help: I am scared to eat too much or too little and trying to be patient in seeing results before I go into a calorie deficit again but I don't know where to go from here. I treated my body poorly and am unsure how to go about repairing it lost effectively. would love some feedback about my current exercise schedule, eating, and any advice you may think helpful! Thank you for reading I have been so unhappy with the changes and lack of control in my body!! I am currently eating 2000 cal a day or a little more on days when I have my cardio classes.


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    What makes you believe that your metabolism is in need of repair?
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Now I am upping my calorie intake to fix my metabolism and am eating very healthy- watching carbs, sodium, and sugar as well as eating lots of healthy fats, proteins, fruits and veggies. I added some fitness classes after work such as zumba and core toning and will be starting a weight training program at my gym to get back the muscle I lost

    Well done for the healthy living and training programme which looks perfect.

    However, I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by "fixing your metabolism". I don't know how you think you are capable of doing this.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I doubt you harmed your metabolism. It just isn't that easy to do and even if it does slow the change is minimal. It's one of those theories that gets passed around to explain away weight loss issues.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    I once punched my metabolism in its face.
  • aclockworkblonde
    aclockworkblonde Posts: 21 Member
    Sorry I'm new to the site so please bear with me if I reply incorrectly.

    By fixings metabolism I mean that I assume I slowed it considerably by eating hardly anything and exercising. I assume this is the case because after initial weight loss from cutting calories I continued to gain weight and lose muscle despite eating less and exercising more.

    Now I want my body to burn fat and build muscle instead of holding
    onto fat as it seems to be. I'm trying to figure out how many calories I should be eating because I'm scared to go under or over and I think my pedometer overestimates how much I burn a day.

    thanks for. the quick responses!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Sorry I'm new to the site so please bear with me if I reply incorrectly.

    By fixings metabolism I mean that I assume I slowed it considerably by eating hardly anything and exercising. I assume this is the case because after initial weight loss from cutting calories I continued to gain weight and lose muscle despite eating less and exercising more.

    Now I want my body to burn fat and build muscle instead of holding
    onto fat as it seems to be. I'm trying to figure out how many calories I should be eating because I'm scared to go under or over and I think my pedometer overestimates how much I burn a day.

    thanks for. the quick responses!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you then regained 20lbs due to over-eating. This is largely hypothetical, but IF you did incur some metabolic downregulation due to under-eating, you then followed it with a period of over-eating in which you regained 20lbs. Again hypothetically, I would suggest that you probably reversed any/most of the downregulation that may have occurred.

    Regardless though, looking at your CURRENT methods, what does your weight do when you eat 2000 calories, like you are currently doing?
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I restricted calories for years, and found that when I ate more, I gained weight, and then to lose I ate 1200 calories a day or less, and did purely cardio exercises. It meant when I got pregnant with my first 2 children and ate normally, I gained weight quite quickly. I used to not eat bread at all for example, and would live off salad.

    After my 2nd child, by upping my calories and doing a variety of exercise, including frequent strength training, I ended up the thinnest I'd been in years, and also the fittest. So I do think it's possible to sort our your metabolism.

    I'm now pregnant with my 3rd and continuing with my exercise and eating as well as possible, and hoping that this time I won't gain as much because I was in much better eating habits before.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    By fixings metabolism I mean that I assume I slowed it considerably by eating hardly anything and exercising. I assume this is the case because after initial weight loss from cutting calories I continued to gain weight and lose muscle despite eating less and exercising more.

    Now I want my body to burn fat and build muscle instead of holding onto fat as it seems to be. I'm trying to figure out how many calories I should be eating because I'm scared to go under or over and I think my pedometer overestimates how much I burn a day.

    So to lose weight, you need to eat in a deficit. Recheck your daily calorie limit with your new weight, as you need to eat fewer calories the less you weigh.

    To retain muscle, you need to start a weight lifting programme, alongside some cardio, alongside eating in a deficit.

    You won't/can't affect your metabolism significantly through what you eat.

    The rules are simple:
    1. eat less than you burn
    2. Do some exercise (even just walking) every day
    3. Pick some heavy stuff up, put it down, and repeat.

    Good luck, and well done on the weight loss so far..

    (And add me as a friend if you like)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'd probably just go by the average maintenance numbers for your stats to start with now. Adjust from there once you know where your maintenance is.

    And try to start the lean mass training as soon as you can, imho. I'd probably do heavy lean mass training at maintenance or maintenance + like 5% for a while if I were you. Get back that muscle you probably lost! :)
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Rub some dirt on it. :drinker:
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I once punched my metabolism in its face.

    Now that's funny.
