Birth control & weight loss

I have been overweight my whole life and on the Depo Provera shot since I was 21 (I'm 39 now). I began discussing my difficulty losing weight my doctor & he said that the Depo shot may be causing a problem. I've explained to him that my weight problem has been a life long struggle so I know the Depo isn't the problem so I'm just curious if anyone else has heard this. I've only been seeing this doctor since the beginning of the year & we've just recently been discussing weight loss.


  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    You may have always struggled with weight, but that doesn't mean the shot is doing you any favors. It may be making it harder than it needs to be. I'm on the mini pill, Norethindrone, and I've never been moody, or had bad acne, or gained weight (exactly the opposite, lost almost 30 pounds on it!). I love it. They say it's not as fail-safe as other BCs though, so if you are prone to forgetting to take it or skipping a day, you might want to consider another option.
  • My draw with the Depo is it has stopped my periods completely. I don't have any side effects & I even tried "The Pill" before the Depo. I've never heard of the mini pill. I think I'll look into that though. Now that I'm older it might be time to explore other options.
  • meeeshellllle
    meeeshellllle Posts: 75 Member
    I've been on depo for 3 years I lost 55lbs while on it & quit smoking at the same time. How ever I have heard that BC expecially depo causes weight gain
    I have been overweight my whole life and on the Depo Provera shot since I was 21 (I'm 39 now). I began discussing my difficulty losing weight my doctor & he said that the Depo shot may be causing a problem. I've explained to him that my weight problem has been a life long struggle so I know the Depo isn't the problem so I'm just curious if anyone else has heard this. I've only been seeing this doctor since the beginning of the year & we've just recently been discussing weight loss.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    When I started Depo, I gained 20 lbs in a month. I've been on it for a good year and a half and I'm just now starting to see those pounds come off. I don't regret going on it (hello, no periods!), but I'm hoping the pounds will come off when I stop taking it. I'm going to get Essure within the next few months.
  • Essure? I've not heard of that either. You ladies are bringing up some new things I haven't heard of! Please, tell me more! I've been on the Depo for so long I have no idea what else is available.
  • TheBunnyStrange
    TheBunnyStrange Posts: 20 Member
    I gained about 40lbs in the first 4 to 6 months of being on depo. My doctor tried to tell me the Depo wasn't the problem. I tried exercising and eating right for over a year and just couldn't loose anything. As soon as I stopped the depo and it started working its way out of my system, the weight started to come right off. I will never go on it again.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Oh, also forgot to mention that the mini pill all but stopped my periods, too. In the two years I've been on it, I've have like three periods, if you can even call them that. I've saved a flippin bundle on tampons, lemme tell ya. :laugh:
  • Alexistigerspice
    Alexistigerspice Posts: 10 Member
    I've been on depo for about a year now, I lost about 10 pounds a few months ago but now my appetite is getting out of control and I'm always hungry so I've gained all the weight back. It's hard to say no to the intense cravings.
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Oh, also forgot to mention that the mini pill all but stopped my periods, too. In the two years I've been on it, I've have like three periods, if you can even call them that. I've saved a flippin bundle on tampons, lemme tell ya. :laugh:

    I'm on the same stuff. It's great - people do report that they gain weight on it but what it actually does is increase your appetite. As long as you're aware and have willpower, it's fine, but be prepared for potential increases in appetite when you first start it. Of course, with no period I also get no TOM cravings (hooray!)

    edit: some info

    edit: oh, and the implant is the same thing as the mini-pill I think? but they usually recommend that you try the mini-pill first to make sure you won't react badly to it and end up having to get it removed.
  • Natty2310
    Natty2310 Posts: 8 Member
    I had an implant in for 3 years. Completely stopped my periods as soon as I had it. When I had it taken out, I actually had regular periods (they were all over the place before, and also no period pains!)
    When I asked for it, they said that it may cause weight gain, as does every birth control. Some people it affects, some it doesn't.
    For me, it didn't. I maintained my weight. But my sister-in-law had the same thing as me and she gained a sudden amount of weight with it.
    Just because you've had problems with your weight all your life doesn't mean it's not affecting you. You may have been maintaining your weight if you didn't have the shot, whereas you've just been constantly been gaining it instead.
    Hope this helps :)
  • I put on 9 pounds the first month of depo alone and since I was still dieting and exercising while on it I KNEW it was the shot, I've been on Lutera for 3 and a half months now and I have to say that switching from depo to the pill is what ended my plateau and I lost the weight I gained from the shot just as fast as I gained it after the switch. Everyone's body reacts to artificial hormones differently and the way the react can change over time, so it's a huge possibility that your birth control is hindering your progress. Also, Lutera has been really great so far! I recommend it to anyone who is looking to switch to a different birth control (:
  • I looked up the mini pill & it sounded great until I found out I can't take it because I'm on Topiramate. Let me rephrase that...I could take it but it would be less effective. I had no idea that the effectiveness of a birth control pill could be impacted by a seizure medication or I would have mentioned that I was taking the Topiramate in the original post.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I been on deposit for 5 months now with thyroid problem (under active) but I didn't gain any weight I am actually losing weight I am however doing insanity I started last week but again never gained weight while not working out and not eating clean so it depends
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Depo shot
  • FJDodd
    FJDodd Posts: 140 Member
    Birth Control (in any form) = Hormones.

    Depo, Mini pill, IUD, Nuvaring, etc - they are all hormones. And every single woman using them will have a different result as far as side effects go. Some may gain, some may lose, others wont notice either way. You can try all the different types, but there is no one that is best for EVERY woman. I personally have an IUD and I have been steadily gaining weight at a higher pace then before I got it.

    Best to talk to you doctor about the options you have, and then go from there. If you think the Depo shot is holding you back, then switch and see if you get a better hormonal result from another form.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    What I was always told (by multiple OB/GYNs as well as my doctor and NP) is that progesterone-heavy birth control methods increase your appetite - but they don't necessarily "make you" gain weight. I know a lot of women blame them for a gain, but I've found that once those women take a really hard, honest look at their intake, they see that they're sneaking in more treats and junk than they were before. I've been on the minipill, Depo, a bunch of different combination pills and now Implanon and I've only ever had trouble when I gave in to my cravings repeatedly and with a total lack of control. So take that as you will
  • helen441
    helen441 Posts: 2 Member about this...has anyone ever come off BC and put on weight? I came off the mini-pill about 3 months ago and have put on about a stone since despite doing nothing different!!
    Also - my periods still haven't started again...very annoying!!

    Is anyone experiencing the same??
  • I looked up the mini pill & it sounded great until I found out I can't take it because I'm on Topiramate. Let me rephrase that...I could take it but it would be less effective. I had no idea that the effectiveness of a birth control pill could be impacted by a seizure medication or I would have mentioned that I was taking the Topiramate in the original post.

    Yes, I thought any hormonal birth control could be compromised by topamax. you may want to check that out concerning the depo as well.

    Also, with regards to the mini is tricky because the time frame of when you can take it is a lot shorter than the regular pill.

    Generally, I've heard depo causes weight gain. i am on the pill, and if I had to give a true or false answer to gaining weight while on the pill--i would say "true."
  • I had that issue when i was on the shot... Not to mention it made me as mean as a wet hornet.. lol