Need positive motivators

I am not good at posting, more of a lurker. I love reading great motivating stories and seem to do better when I read other peoples success. Please add me if you want.


  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    Never lurk, although i rarely use the forums i have an amazing circle of friends on here, ive spent a long time building up the perfect following...

    one thing ive learnt is you must shout your achievements from the roof tops, big yourself up... no one else is going to do it for you!!

    if you manged to run for thirty seconds this is harder work than the guy who ran a marathon, is is conditioned and you may not.. if youve just squeezed into a pair of jeans that are 8 sizes smaller than where you have been in the past you need to proclaim a victory!! be proud of every small goal.

    i wouldnt say im a positive motivator but i do a massive amount of workouts and apart from the slight blip ive had in my journey i fight for survival, life is hard!!

    my road to weightloss and fitness has finished, i now have to wander from the beaten track, make it up as i go along and and live it up!! life after calories ;)
  • Lorelai23
    Lorelai23 Posts: 31 Member
    You are very right. No one will do that for me that's for sure. So here you go, I lost 4 pounds this week. Great start at getting back into routine after having a baby.

    As I work on my weight I will work on my exercise and I will work on my lurking!
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon

    love it..

    4 lbs is a great chunk and has only been possible because of you, yes you did it... no ones stories..

    yeah the results topics are inspiring but everything in your life is done by the most important person in your life for the most important person in your life... you and your child ;)

    you dont need to work on your weight, work on your nutrition and the weight will come off automatically

    workouts are not needed to loose weight... cardio keeps your heart healthy and weights give you the shape you desire

    lurking, bahh its only the internet, add some people work with them and if they dont hit the spot, always complain etc just delete them, they arent family..

    theres trolls, keyboard warriors and nice folk on here, DO NOT be put off by horrible comments... thats the internet for ya!