College student looking to lose "senior weight"

Hello my name is Brian,

I am a Senior student at Madonna University in Livonia, MI. I study sports management as a major and focus on business administration and ethics. Last year (junior year) I was an intern with the Plymouth Whalers in Plymouth, MI and put on a ton of weight because up in the press boxes, in the meeting rooms, and after the games there was food everywhere (oh and beer too!) So needless to say i put on about 30lbs that never came off and now that I am graduating in less than a month I want to lose the weight and be more presentable for future employers and take better care of my health.

I work out regularly, 3 or 4 times a week. I start with 20 minutes of walking followed by swiss ball bridges, swiss ball crunches, and that thing where you move the swiss ball from your feet to your hands and back and my muscle stamina is great. Then i alternate between stretching and other flexibility drills, upper body, and lower body all incorporating core strength into my workout at some point. Generally my workouts go from 45 minutes to an hour depending how i am feeling that night.

I dont really drink a lot of beer anymore but i drink a lot of red bull and muscle milk (2 things that are not great for you and are probably holding me back) but most of my struggle is not knowing were to start. I eat out 2 days a week cause I am a commuter student and i rarely make good choices doing that - and while I am home i don't snack a whole lot but when I do eat i over do it.

I want to figure out my true calorie goal. Last june i got a fit bit flex which I love and i know that it syncs to MFP so i am trying that out but I need to get some support and some guidance on what other people are doing as well.

So here I am, nice to meet you all.



  • supaflyrobby
    Hey Brian,

    As a guy that just recently finished up grad school and entered the "real world", I can completely empathize with how academia has the uncanny tendency to pack on the pounds. I ordered Pizza and Chinese so many times it would make your head spin (to say nothing of my gargantuan intake of alcohol).

    Getting in better shape before you walk is a noble goal, and in this abysmal job market, any edge you can give yourself to potential employers is also beneficial.

    Feel free to add me if you like (I am new here as well).