Don't quit

mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I came across this and wanted to share it.

When you eaten too much and you can't write it down,
and you feel like the biggest failure in town.
When you want to give up just because you gave in,
and forget about being healthy and thin.
So What! You went over your points a bit,
it's your next move that counts...So don't you quit!
It's a moment of truth, it's an attitude change.
It's learning the skills to get back in your range.
It's telling yourself, "You've done great up till now.
You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow."
It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal.
You're still gonna make it, just stay in control.
To stumble and fall is not a disgrace,
if you summon the will to get back in the race.
But, often the struggler's, when loosing their grip,
just throw in the towel and continue to slip.
And learn too late when the damage is done,
that the race wasn't over...they still could have won.
Lifestyle change can be awkward and slow,
but facing each challenge will help you grow.
Success is failure turned inside out,
the silver tint in a cloud of doubt.
When you're pushing to the brink, just refuse to submit,
If you bit it, you write it....But don't you quit!
~author unknown~


  • excellent! Its so easy to give up after a naughty day!
  • shrublet
    shrublet Posts: 42 Member
    That's awesome. :) Thank you for sharing!
  • So love this!!! THANK YOU!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Have been on a bad row lately, so this was just what I needed to read. Thanks for posting!
  • Love it! Just what I needed today!

    I went -185 calories today but in actuality it is still under what it takes to maintain my current weight.

    Glass half empty or half full?
  • Chrissy26
    Chrissy26 Posts: 14 Member
    Great message I will keep that in mind as I am just starting! Thank you!!:smile:
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Love it! Gonna save it...thanks for sharing :flowerforyou:
  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    That's very empowering..thanks for sharing.
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    This is brilliant, and so true!! I could have done with this at the beginning as I nearly quit!! Thanks for sharing!! :flowerforyou:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I love it! Thanks Connie :happy:
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187

    You're still gonna make it, just stay in control.

    Awesome thanks! I love it
  • txtree50
    txtree50 Posts: 51
    I look at the days like eating an bite at a time. Thanks for the GREAT poem!!!
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    You have no idea how badly I needed to read this today. I have been plugging away at MFP for over 30 days and have never once gone over my calories...until today :( and I also didnt make it to the gym and only got in 15 min of yoga at home :( I had no idea id feel this crappy about slipping up and going over, Im just so bummed that I went so long and then fell off the wagon.
    B U T , I refuse to give up! I KNOW I can do it because ive been doing it for over a month, I know that 1 off day doesnt mean ALL my days will be off and it just gives me more motivation to try harder tomorrow!
    Thank you for sharing this, it literally brought a tear to my eye
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    Love this!! Thank you. :flowerforyou:
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