New Here Looking For Positive Friends

Hi all, My name is Shania i am 17 years old (18 in two months) and i am from Trinidad & Tobago (The Caribbean). I am approx 140lbs and 5'5 in height. I joined this website when i heard micheal kory fitness on youtube talk about what a great helpful site this was to keep track of calories. So i enjoyed , i'll admit i do like it so far.

I can't say how much pounds i want to loose, my scale number doesn't bother me its how i look. I have some arm flab , a medium stomach punch which i hate it bulges out through everything, thick thighs n well a big bum lol. I just want to tone up my arms get some muscle and a flat stomach well im really aiming for abs but i got to start somewhere n basically tone up my legs n keep a firm bum and maintain that physique.

I've started eating healthy recently , turned pescetarian and i love it actually. I have alot more energy and me recently starting gym its alot easier to workout. I go gym 4-5 days a week for 2-3 hours. For fast food i have a cheat day at least once a week. I hope i can make friends here and that we can share recipes , be social etc etc. ^_^


  • Hello there, im like yourself, for me its not just about the numbers its how you feel thats important. I do have a rough idea of how much i'd like to loose but im all about feeling fantastic and thats the aim. friend request heading your way