Need Help. 61, female, nothing is working



  • greattimes
    greattimes Posts: 123 Member
    I am 61 and have lost my weight. The main thing was watching what I ate reducing salt intake and I also quit drinking diet soda. I exercise daily and drink plenty of water.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    not sure what your goal is but if you think exercise causes you to lose weight, you're mistaken. weight loss comes from diet. open your diary to us and we'll get started.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Switching up the exercises should help. And getting the water you need. I don't know you're size, but maybe you are small enough that you are gaining muscle?
    Whatever you're doing...if it involves making good food choices, if you have extra weight, it will have to eventually burn off, I would think.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I don't regularly eat my "exercise calories"...those that MFP says you have extra because you worked out. When I get closer to my goal, I may eat more. I've been told that eating half of the calories burned should be sufficient. For now, because I have such a long way to go to reach my goal weight, I use those exercise calories as insurance against any holiday overages or extra glasses of wine. But even then, I don't want it to be a regular occurrence.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Thank you all for your help and inspiration. I am keeping track of everything that goes in. Y mouth. I have lost 9.4 pounds! And 6 inches. I am confused about the calorie thing on here though. I try to limit between a 1200-1500 calorie I take but when I add exercise on it, it tells me I should eat more calories.

    Also, if anyone has experience on an Arc Trainer, you know you burn a lot of calories. I have it at the highest resistance now at 100 and go between 45 minutes to an hour. I also started doing the weight machines. Feeling good.

    You should eat back your exercise calories but be cautious as calorie burn figures from MFP and those from cardio machines are notorious over estimates, especially if the machines doesn't allow you to input personal data like age, weight and gender. To be on the safe side, try only eating back 50-65% of the calorie burns you get from the machine or MFP. For examples, say it gives you 700 calories, plan to eat back 350-455 calories.