How do YOU curb hunger?

Just curious how you guys curb your appetites. I know I have a tendency to want to eat when I'm bored, thinking about food, already went over my calories earlier in the day etc. Sometimes I'm just SO ravenous despite the fact that I've already eaten (*cough*that time of the month etc*cough*) and if I don't manage to stop myself, I'll eat things I know I'll regret very much. There's a pack of Sapporo Ichiban noodles calling my name from the cupboard and at about 500 calories a pack... eep...

I know, I know, eating a small, healthy snack can help and won't kill me, but I'm just wondering what you guys do do if you decide you wanna put your hunger on the back burner.


  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    There are a couple things I do...

    1. Get out of the house and do something. I eat when I'm bored or when I'm watching tv so when I'm out and about doing something it helps distract me.

    2. I do some cardio so that I can eat back the exercise calories

    3. I brush my teeth. Old school trick but it works.

    4. I chug a couple glasses of water. Sometimes when we think we are hungry it's just dehydration.
  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    i drink loads of water! if this is not working im leaving the house and just taking my keys with me and just going for a wonder. that way i cant consume the food that is at home and i cant buy any from the shops as i dont have any cash on me.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I curb hunger by eating when I feel hungry. Eating out of boredom isn't "hunger" or "being ravenous;" it's a bad habit. The first step to stopping it is recognizing it for what it is so you can start paying more attention to your body's actual hunger signals.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I make sure I am eating enough calories during the day as a whole where I don't feel hungry while still losing quite well.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I curb hunger by eating when I feel hungry. Eating out of boredom isn't "hunger" or "being ravenous;" it's a bad habit. The first step to stopping it is recognizing it for what it is so you can start paying more attention to your body's actual hunger signals.

    So true, and so difficult to do!!

    Remember--being hungry is different than just wanting more. I am rarely truly hungry, but I want more ALL OF THE TIME!!

    So, sometimes when I have to have more, but shouldnt, I eat popcorn (1-2 cups will help me feel full and it is only around 100 calories).

    I also spread my calories out over the day. I have a small breakfast and lunch so I can have an afternoon snack, and then a decent sized (but still not large) dinner with my family.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If I'm not hungry and it's just boredom eating, I chew gum or go out and find something to do. If I am hungry, I eat a snack.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Drink lots of water...I also tend to look at my "fat" girl pics. I never want to be that girl again.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hydrated chia seeds. They expand in your tummy and make you feel STUFFED for only about 70 calories.
  • texerus
    texerus Posts: 62 Member
    If you have the tolerance as I do eat a hot pepper. I always keep a bag of fresh jalapenos handy to snack on. Then I drink water to fill me up and sooth the hotness. This may be a little extreme, but works for me.
  • JCM1969
    JCM1969 Posts: 141 Member
  • PeaceLoveTrees
    PeaceLoveTrees Posts: 42 Member
    I have a similar problem, I am just always hungry! I found that if I don't keep handy snacky foods around I'm not as tempted to eat when I'm bored. If I have to take the time to prepare something (even if it's a salad) it makes me stop and think about why I'm even eating. If I'm actually hungry I'll eat something, but if I'm just bored I'll walk away. So work on not purchasing temptation because then it won't be in the house!

    I love the hot pepper idea, I might try that because nothing seems to work for curbing my appetite. I drink lots of water all day, it's basically the only thing I drink, but I never stay full for very long. I did take green coffee bean supplements for a while that really worked at curbing my appetite but I haven't found anything that's worked since.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I eat.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I have this problem a lot at night I had gone to the doctor and they ran some blood test turns out I had a vitamin D deficiency. I am now taking a supplement and getting out in the sun more often, but have you tried this?
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I drink coffee with a couple ounces of heavy cream and coconut oil. If I still want more after that, then I'm probably actually hungry.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    Believe it or not, a big dill pickle works for me. I just have to watch the salt.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Get busy...
  • TheGoodEmu
    TheGoodEmu Posts: 31 Member
    -I work out, hard, at least 5 days a week, and make sure my abs are getting attention (I am doing the Insanity DVDs). This seems to keep me from wanting to overeat not just because I worked my *kitten* off to burn fat, but because my abs feel super tight (...under the flab, heh...) and I *guess* this is leaving less room for my stomach to stretch?

    -I drink a TON of water (and make sure I get my electrolytes - actually felt the effects of mild water toxicity not too long ago).

    -I time my food around possible "boredom eating" times so rather than eating on the go (as I generally am), I am eating during times I need to study, etc. as a matter of routine.

    -I get lost in an art/craft project. It is amazing how long I will put off food when my hands are busy knitting/mosaicing/etc.

    -i clean my house, hardcore moving-the-furniture stylie - same effect as above. And I bet my boyfriend wishes this were second on the list. ;-)

    This is how I do it, most of the time. :-)
  • JCM1969
    JCM1969 Posts: 141 Member
    I just remembered.. If Im at home I give myself a manicure... cant eat while Im doing that.
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    I have this problem a lot at night I had gone to the doctor and they ran some blood test turns out I had a vitamin D deficiency. I am now taking a supplement and getting out in the sun more often, but have you tried this?

    ^^ This
    I had a SEVERE Vitamin D deficiency due to Celiac's disease. When my levels increased with vitamin therapy, I found that I was not as hungry!
  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    I eat a lot of protein and healthy fats.. If I have a particularly 'hungry day' I be sure to have a good sized kale salad and that usually will take care of it. Usually I notice more hunger if I have too much fruit or not enough protein the day before. Makes a big difference for me.