
so after much thought and about a month's worth of research, i've decided to become vegan; mostly for my health. my mom, aunt, and grandpa all have health problems that affect their diet. my grandpa has diverticulitis, my aunt has celiac disease, and my mom gets migraines from preservatives. so if anyone has any helpful tips, recipes, good substitues, or any help for a new vegan.. please feel free to share!


  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    Ive been vegetarian about 6 years,vegan about 3, i can def be a listening ear if you have questions or need support,welcome aboard!! :D
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140

    diets desserts & dogs

    2 blogs that i love...
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    I am vegetarian but want to get closer to veganism, so I would also be interested in yummy recipes and such! I must say that the 'cheese' sauce recipe on the back of the Bob's Red Mill nutritional yeast package is delicious!
  • Sevenm
    Sevenm Posts: 7
    I have been vegan for about 3 years and must say that it is possibly one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I originally choose to eat this way as a response to the factory farming situation but over time have found that it has had a major positive impact in my life not the least of which is my health. As a surprising by product of veganism, it is apparently very good for the environment as well.
    You will find that at first you have to look for good things to eat and that the choices seem limited. You may be inclined to try to find direct replacements for things you used to eat (cheese being a major one) but if you take the time to gather vegan recipes you will see that soon you have a tremendous choice of excellent tasting and healthy food to eat. I don't feel I am missing anything by giving up meat and animal products. I have found lots and lots to eat that I look forward to. My doctor knows I am vegan so he test me accordingly at my annual physicals and I haven't been so healthy since I was a young teen.
    It has been a huge help in controlling my weight as well as a large amount of the things that were very high in calories and bad for my health are simply not an option so I don't even consider them. That said, be careful as you can be vegan and live on vegan junk food as well!
    I would recommend as a first cookbook, Vegan With A Vengeance. Isa Chandra's recipes are awesome and we often use this book when having company over for dinner.
    Simply Google vegan recipes and you will be overwhelmed with great options. There are too many great recipes to make in one lifetime!
    You're probably going to feel better than ever if you're typical depending on what your diet was like before.
    Tonight for supper I had a Indian Life Wrap filled with: Red Pepper Hummus (make your own. It's cheap and easy), spinach, Red and Green Peppers diced up, three slices of tofu lightly fried in olive and sesame oil (yup, tofu actually tastes excellent once you know what to do with it!), diced tomato, salt and pepper and then grilled on my George Foreman grill. It was awesome, healthy and when entered into MFP came in at a very reasonable calorie count for dinner!
    Best of luck and let me know if you have more questions.:happy:
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    thank you for all the help and ideas! i'm having a hard time finding things that are vegan, i need to pay closer attention to the ingredients before i buy something. on the other hand though, at least i haven't bought any meat or dairy intentionally lol.