
Hey all. I'm really a newbie to eating healthy. Basically I need a list of foods that are good for you, how much do I need etc...


  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    Hey all. I'm really a newbie to eating healthy. Basically I need a list of foods that are good for you, how much do I need etc...

    What is your age/height/weight fitness level, what are your overall goals?
  • skywalker0829
    I'm 25 years old, 5 foot 11, and I weighed 271 at my doctors office yesterday, but my scale says 255 today.

    My overall goal is to be 200 pounds or less.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    I'm 25 years old, 5 foot 11, and I weighed 271 at my doctors office yesterday, but my scale says 255 today.

    My overall goal is to be 200 pounds or less.

    There are two numbers you need to be aware of BMR and TDEE.

    BMR - This is how many calories your body burns through in a day for basic functions.
    TDEE- This is BMR and calories accounted for through physical activity.

    Weight loss can be obtained by netting a caloric value between BMR and TDEE. So for you, with a BMR of 2239, you would want net about 2400 calories a day. And by netting I mean that if you go to the gym and burn off a few hundred calories, you eat them back, or at least enogh to net above BMR. You want to eat as much non processed foods as possible, fruts, vegetables, lean meats and dairy. Drink plenty of water, the more you work out and the more sodium you intake, the more water you drink.

    After every few lbs of fat loss, maybe ever month or so, re evaluate your BMR/TDEE for updated caloric needs as these values will go down/up with weight loss/gain
  • skywalker0829
    I don't have access to a gym right now. I did do 90 minutes of raking my yard yesterday, in which I'm very sore today.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    I don't have access to a gym right now. I did do 90 minutes of raking my yard yesterday, in which I'm very sore today.

    diet is more important then then gym anyways. Just try to be active. If you live a more sedentary life, then just eat a lot closer to your BMR.
  • piggyb73
    piggyb73 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm not an expert by any means but I like high protein foods Egg whites, greek yogurt and lots of chicken. Also eat 100% whole wheats for breads and pastas. I also don't go to the gym but I have a app that traks my steps and I use a stationary bike at home.
    I don't really understand TDEE but as long as i'm under most of the time on my mfp calories I've been doing alright. (almost 50lbs in 14 months) good luck with your journey and request me if you want:)
  • skywalker0829
    The food I got today was apples, strawberries, 3 Healthy Choice dinners which I will only one a day or every other day, yogurt, shrimp, hot peppers, and Fiber 1 bars.

    I try to keep calories, sugars, sodium all low.

    I've just started walking 2 miles a day, which the last time I did it was Saturday in which I did 2 miles in 27 minutes.
    Yesterday I raked the yard for 90 minutes, and I was sweating more than I walked the 2 miles.

    If I just walk 2 miles everyday and eat healthy, will that lose fat?
  • piggyb73
    piggyb73 Posts: 67 Member
    Good food choices, however i'm not a huge fan of frozen dinners. I feel like you would lose weight if you stick with that plan, however, i'm just another person on here who's trying to figure it out too... You have to see what works for you through trial and error. Plus, you will drop some weight in the beginning because your body won't be used to the changes however it's after the first 3-4 weeks that you'll have to find what works after that don't get discouraged, just keep trying :)
  • skywalker0829
    Right now, the MFP thing says after I completed the day I would go from 255 to 228 in 5 weeks if I kept going on this diet and exercise plan. The doctors office said Monday that I weighed 271 pounds, but when I stepped on the scales Tuesday morning, I weighed 255. I haven't weighed myself tonight, but I will weigh myself in the morning.