"Cheat days" turning into "cheat weeks"

Hello Everyone!
Recently, I had some health complications that made me balloon from 120 to 160. I have managed to lose 20 of those pounds, but it is definitely a journey. On top of that in April I had surgery for my health issues, in May I graduated undergrad, and in September was married! Yay! Lots of good/bad stress. I have been managing to work out pretty consistently, my main problem is that when I have a "cheat day" or "cheat meal" it turns into a "cheat week." And I'm so busy (working and applying to grad school). It's like that saying, if you run a red light, are you going to run all the red lights the rest of the day (week)? I do! haha. So that is where I need motivation and support. Does anyone else struggle with this? I would love to be able to come on here when I feel like throwing away a week, not logging my food, etc. So I can keep my weight loss consistent. Thanks!
