Too many carbs....

workoutqueen628 Posts: 220
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I consistenly end up going over my carbs intake and always lacking in protein and fat. I think I am set at 40, 30, 30. What are some foods that at high in protein but low in carbs?!! I think that's why I'm not losing, but just curious if anyone has been successful in their weightloss without meeting their protein reqs.


  • shrublet
    shrublet Posts: 42 Member
    Hello there!

    I am currently following the South Beach diet, which is a not too drastic (in my opinion) low carb eating plan. I've seen a lot of success with it- here is the list of low-carb foods that I generally use. (And usually I go way over my protein too, sometimes double, which is nice):

    Let me know if you want more information!
  • alphaip
    alphaip Posts: 86
    Carbs kill my weight loss too. I try to keep my fat at 20% and avoid breads, pasta, and sugar - the rest seems to take care of itself. I eat every 3 to 4 hours - five times a day. Always a protein and a good carb. It takes a bit of planning - mainly to know that I have tomorrows meals ready or ingredients on hand.

    The best Proteins - about the size and thickness of my palm -
    -Egg Whites - can be prepared a myriad of ways
    -98% Lean Springer Hill Ranch Beef - great when I get tired of Chicken Breast - can be used in chili, rice bowl, pasta. sirloin patties
    -Chicken Breast - I do marinate it - which adds some carbs. I'm sure this slows my weight loss but make life more bearable.
    -Boars Head Pepper Turkey (no fillers)
    -Skim Milk in a protein shake (lots of carbs in the shake)

    The best carbs:
    cream of rice cereal
    whole grain brown rice
    oatmeal (sometimes I just mix in with flavored no fat/low sugar yogurt)
    small potato-with butter buds, fat free sour cream, fat free cheese
    sometimes whole grain or rice pasta (maybe once a week)
    sometimes whole grain eng. muffin with the egg whites and peppers and fat free cheese (maybe twice a week)
    sometimes whole grain bread, with egg whites, truvia, and cinamon for french toast (sugar free syrup and very little butter)
  • Eggs, tofu, animal meats, TVP (textured veggie protein for the uninitiated), nuts, etc, have decent protein without being high in carbs. Certain veggies too (mushrooms, spinach).

    If you're already limiting the number of processed carbs you're eating (white bread, etc), then try to replace some fruit with veggies. There's also certain fruits that are lower in carbs than others. Bananas are super high in carbs whereas blueberries aren't as bad.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I consistenly end up going over my carbs intake and always lacking in protein and fat. I think I am set at 40, 30, 30. What are some foods that at high in protein but low in carbs?!! I think that's why I'm not losing, but just curious if anyone has been successful in their weightloss without meeting their protein reqs.

    Regarding the high in protein but low in carbs, chicken is perfect for this.
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    White carbs kill me - they make me bloat, they stop my loss, and the worst part is they set me up to crave more! I generally try to stick to Low GL/GI eating - so I eat carbs but I avoid anything refined/white/processed/sugary. So lots of brown and wild rice, wholemeal bread, etc.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    You've already gotten some great suggestions for high protein items, so I won't repeat them. I just wanted to tell you to chill. Don't stress the numbers too much. The stress will raise cortisol levels which will keep even the best dietary practices from working. Everyone has their own personal relationship with food and what works for one person may not work for you. If you have consistent problems in achieving a set number of carbs, protein, or fat, that may be because it's not the right number for your body. I don't do well on low carb plans. I don't even do well on the standard 45-65% carb plans. I've found that my body responds best to 70% carbs, 15% protein, and 15% fat. Those percentages are different for everyone, so play around with it and see what works for you. If you're losing and you're going over on carbs or whatever, then obviously, you are doing what it right for your body. ;)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    My body seems to really like Atkins-style eating. I've played around with my carb levels, and when I stay between 20-40 net carbs (grams) daily, I continue with steady loss. If I increase to say, 50-75, I maintain. If I go above 100, I gain and tend to start craving simple (bad) carbs.

    It's all so relative to the individual if you ask me. A lot of people would probably find my eating entirely too restrictive, but it works well for me. It's also done a very effective job at kicking my sugar cravings and for me (AKA sweet teeth), that's a biggie.

    I will warn anyone who wishes to try a low carb diet that it's a rude awakening during the initial few weeks. Carb withdrawal is NOT fun. Makes you feel like you're in rehab - jonesing for a Snickers bar. Ugh. Once you get through that, though, your energy will increase and your appetite will be more steady. It's worth the trouble, though if you ask me.
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