Start of a new me...

A little background:

Like most southern families I was raised on fried foods and comfort foods lol Both my parents are overweight as well as most of my family. Ive always been chunky My mom said I started gaining weight when I was about 9 years old at 13 years old I weighed about 195 but my weight really went up at the age of 17 went to about 265. About a 7 years ago I lost a lot of weight when I became a store manager was working my tail off wasn't eating right and lived on energy drinks. Then about 3 years ago I left that job and started working from home job and spend 90% of my day sitting at a desk and have gained all the weight back I am up to 287 the most I have ever weighed.. Something has got to change here I no longer drink energy drinks and I eat once a day (dinner) I really don't eat many sweets or drink too many cokes I do drink coffee and tea .

My family love meat and potatoes let me serve anything green besides lettuce they will look at me like I am crazy lol I dont really care for veggies myself either

My husband and I are on a very tight budget due to trying to purchase a house so I spend maybe 100 bucks a week on groceries so it can be hard to buy fresh veggies

As I visit with my mom I often catch myself thinking I am going to have all the same health issues she has if I don't change something in my day to day routine the only physical activities I do are day to day household chores So I know the key for me to to get up and get moving since my calorie intake isn't that much more than my skinny hubbys lol

Although I do have to spend 10 hours a day sitting at a desk with very little opportunity to get up and move around during this time I have to get creative here. I am going to start out using my treadmill while cooking dinner. Dinner usually takes an hour to an hour and a half to cook and I believe walking in between stirring and flipping food would be a good time to walk also perhaps walking some before work. I don't plan on changing my diet to much at first till I see what results I get after a couple of weeks will adjust accordingly. As go along I also plan on adding some weight training for toning but still researching the best way to do all this

I know this is going to be hard with my son and husband are both big eaters They both can go to an all you can eat then 2 hours later be looking for something to snack on while I am dumbfounded on how they can be eating again I joke with my husband all the time saying I cant believe Im the only fat one lol although it will catch up with him soon enough I am sure hes 10 years younger (25)

I've always been told the reason for my weight problems to begin with is because of the fact I don't eat breakfast or lunch saying it causes the body to go into starvation mode and the body begins to store more fat im sure there is some truth to that. Although I have never been able to get myself to eat breakfast or lunch and If I do eat lunch then I don't eat dinner simply because Im not hungry from eating lunch.

The main reason I am setting out on this weight loss plan is not just for health reasons but mainly because since I have started working from home and no real social interaction because I am always at home. When me and my husband got together 8 years ago we were both very social outgoing people and now I have turned into a hobbit living in my home office. I dont want to go see my friends because I imagine them talking to each other saying "I can't believe she has gained so much weight" "Can you believe how big amanda is now" This has lead to depression on my part in turn has affected my marriage. Dont get me wrong my husband is great and very supportive I was overweight when we first met and he always telling me Im beautiful so I am very lucky.

Any ways looking forward to a better me


  • vickyplum
    vickyplum Posts: 192 Member
    Well done you for taking that first step that one is way the hardest of all, but you have done it so you should be proud of the
    fact that you did that and stepped up and took responsibility

    I honestly have to say that in my opinion eating one meal a day definitely isnt the way to go, it will only make things worse, again
    only my opinion

    You dont have to use fresh veg frozen is just as good and think you get way more for your money

    hope this helps a little

    Vicky xxx
  • amandapayne35
    I agree with you I have to get out that habit ive tried many things to change this but I do not like eating breakfast my breakfast is coffee lol
  • vickyplum
    vickyplum Posts: 192 Member
    I used to be exactly the same, never ate breakfast lunch would be a sandwich and then dinner and usually loads
    of junk after that, which was not good

    I have learned to eat breakfast most days, some days I just cant face it so I try to eat fruit mid morning then have
    my lunch maybe a snack of fruit fresh or dried, some nuts maybe

    everything is a learning curve and you will get there, the support on this site is excellent and do feel free to add me if you think I can help you on your journey

    Vicky xxx
  • amandapayne35
    Thanks! That is a great article very informative thats need to know info :)
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Take heart, it honestly makes no difference WHEN you eat. There are a ton of people around here who do Intermittent Fasting (IF) or 5:2 or all kinds of meal timing things. You don't have to eat breakfast if you don't want to ;) The important part is the calories, not the timing.

    Your idea to walk while making dinner is great! but I noticed you said you are not going to change your diet at all. While the walking will help a little bit there is a pretty common saying that says "You can't out exercise a bad diet". For you I would say start with very teeny tiny changes. If you don't want to change the food you eat I suggest changing the SPEED at which you eat. It doesn't sound like much but trust me that this one little step will automatically cut down your food intake without you even having to think too much about it. Just take a bite and put down your fork/spoon until you have finished swallowing it.

    From my experience I was a very fast eater and in all honestly I could wolf down my dinner and be up for seconds before my boyfriend was even 1/4 of the way through his dish. Slowing down helped me a ton and giving my body time to register that I was 'full' also helped me to just naturally eat less.

    Eventually you will have to take more steps but for someone just starting, take it slow, make little changes, eat a little less, move a little more and you will start seeing the scale move in the right direction. :)
  • amandapayne35
    That is a very good idea eating slowly when I was younger I always ate fast ...I do know I have not decided on a specific diet as of yet besides smaller portions My main hurdle will be getting bored with exercising which has always been my downfall . I need to move more regardless.