Seeking a friend to help keep me motivated / motivate them

I'm a 23 year old female who is currently struggling with staying motivated / dedicated to eating healthy and exercising.

I've been a fan of myfitnesspal for a while, I keep going back and forth between using it, and well, just giving up I guess. I have made a lot of healthy changes, I eat a lot more vegetables now, and fruit. But…I am addicted to restaurants.

I keep trying to stay on track, but something always happens and I wind up going back to unhealthy habits.

I'm hoping to lose 50-80lbs. I think it would really help if I had someone who was in the same boat as me, that way we would both have someone to lean on, and keep us accountable.


  • punky1luv
    punky1luv Posts: 13 Member
    Ditto on everything you just said!!!!! But in between my in and out of using MFP I actually lost 10lbs so I know it works. Let's track what we put in our mouths and get active. Starting focus T25 today, what do you use as a weekly work out??
  • I'm on that boat. You can do it! :)
  • Start small. Introduce more activity in your day. Lower your calories but not all the way through. If your maintenance is 2600 lower to 2400 first week and then work you way back down every week
  • I lost weight when I used MFP, but I gained it back and then some! I was down to 210, I'm up to 230, which is the highest I've ever been and I hate it!

    I haven't worked out in a while. I usually do kettle bell exercises for 15-30 minutes, and I also go for walks, and attempt to run.

    But I only make it for like a minute before I have to stop and walk.

    The worst part is that I have access to a gym at work, and I haven't gone in a long time. I keep thinking I need to ease into things, but is that really the way to go?
  • Hey honey! Don't fret over eating at resturants there's always a way around and it's not just by eating salads! Fish dishes, anything from the grill and throw in a side of veg! Keep to spirits and diet mixers and if you know where you're eating have a look at the menu online beforehand, so many places put *healthy options* at their side of their dishes. Go prepared!! Stay positive, eating healthily is a lifestyle not a diet, changes don't happen overnight!
  • I lost weight when I used MFP, but I gained it back and then some! I was down to 210, I'm up to 230, which is the highest I've ever been and I hate it!

    I haven't worked out in a while. I usually do kettle bell exercises for 15-30 minutes, and I also go for walks, and attempt to run.

    But I only make it for like a minute before I have to stop and walk.

    The worst part is that I have access to a gym at work, and I haven't gone in a long time. I keep thinking I need to ease into things, but is that really the way to go?
    Thats what i did. I used to have 2 teaspoons of sugar in coffe and milk. Now i have none and no biggie. I also quit smoking in this time and i just eased into things. Yeah sometimes i feel like is a never ending battle but be a little crazy. Look in the miror flex your muscles and say " i am awesome and i can do this" thats my secret
  • ilbcnuz
    ilbcnuz Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am looking to lose 50+ pounds and need motivation.
  • roxinronni
    roxinronni Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, we bascially sound like the same person, I almost would have thought I wrote this post myself!!

    I'm just starting up again today and I'm already feeling like its hard to stay motivated and keep with using MFP... I'm going through a hard time in my life and I am making a big move later this month, but I am going to try and stick with it even though I almost just want to quit when it seems like my goal is impossible.

    At least it sounds like you are making healthy choices already, I think all you have to do is stay positive and stick with it because you CAN DO IT!! :) Every bit of exercise and healthy food you eat counts. Even if you feel like a short walk isn't going to help, you are already doing better for yourself than if you were just sitting on the couch watching tv. Feel free to add me or message me if you ever want to talk. :)
  • Keep up the good work!! I have lost 17lbs so far using MFP
  • TrialAndPear
    TrialAndPear Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a 23 year old female who is currently struggling with staying motivated / dedicated to eating healthy and exercising.

    I'm in a very similar situation to you! I'm 24 and trying to lose over 50lbs. I do well for a while, but then lose sight of my goals (usually after a weekend of eating out at restaurants with friends). Making smart choices at restaurants and using a little self-restraint before ordering multiple things helps. Simple things like asking for dressing on the side of a salad or replacing a hamburger bun with lettuce have helped me a lot. Good luck! You can do it!
  • im a 25 y/o male trying to drop 30 lbs. would love helping yu stay on track

    stay fabulous
  • Hey, Im 21 and trying to lose 50-60 pounds feel free to add me for some motivation.
  • I've also been on & off MFP for the past year. (more off than on) This is the first time I've actually reached further into the site, other than just logging my daily food. What has helped keep me motivated to stay on track eating-wise is seeing the numbers on the scale go down. Once I see that I've lost a couple pounds, I just say to myself "man, this really IS working!". Best of luck! :)
  • I have this app on my phone and this is the first time I have gone to the actual site. I am glad to see the message board. I am 43 years old, and have 50-80 pounds to lose. I have not been faithful with tracking food on MFP, but am on day 2. I am usually a pretty good exerciser when I am on a mission. But I tend to exercise great for 3 months and stop for 3 month. I am currently back to exercising. I do a spinning class on Tuesdays, and Cross fit training on Wed. Outside of those classes, I am a big zumba fan, but typically walk or do the elliptical if I am not in a class. Best of Luck to you!