10000+ steppers...



  • serafin366
    serafin366 Posts: 60 Member
    On a lazy weekend I get a minimum of 5000, but on a normal desk job day easily 7500+ not counting working out. Usually the treadmill for 3 miles puts me at 12,000.

    On days I am low, I will walk around my house. Think about it:

    1 hour of tv has about 15 minutes of commercials. If you walk around your house during commercials at a rate of 4 miles and hour, that's a mile or 5280 feet in 15 minutes. Your stride is probably around 3 feet, so you could get in 1760 steps while watching 1 hour of tv.

    Make it a point to walk the long way to the bathroom, or to your bosses office. Park in the back of the lot. march in place while you cook. Every little bit adds up!
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member

    Don't laugh, but if I'm 500 steps away, I have been known to walk in circles around my dining room table or walk from the basement to the second floor a couple times to get that last amount in.

    BTDT! It's surprising how many steps you can add by pacing back and forth while drying dishes.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Walk the dogs for 30-40 mins., do a little shopping, go to work (where some walking is involved)... that usually does it here.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Collier, I want that 20,000 badge so bad! My highest was 17,000. I might make that my goal in the next few weeks!

    Those badges are addicting right?!? I just recently earned my 500 lifetime miles...LOL you would have thought I won money or something..my husband thought it was hysterical!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I got the 20,000 badge the day I had two one hour walks plus a couple errands. I think the 10 mile badge will elude me forever though.

    Typically I reach 10,000 by just going for an hour walk and running errands, doing housework etc.
  • rakeeshb
    rakeeshb Posts: 1 Member
    I do 25,000 Mondays to Fridays and 15,000 Saturday and Sundays. It is hard to find the time but I just keep going until I get there.