Is my body rejecting sugar?

Hi there! I've mostly cut sugar out of my diet, except for natural sugar from fruit, turbinado sugar, or honey. Whenever I eat a sweet, I limit it to 1 serving. On Tuesdays (like today), I usually have 1 cookie; however, I didn't get one today. So when I went to the market and saw Shoofly Pie being sold, I wanted one, but since there was a $5 minimum for using a card, I bought enough sweets to add up to that. I ended up going home with a slice of Shoofly Pie, a fairly large Seven Layer Bar, and 3 Peanut Butter/Chocolate Chip Cookies. I got through the Shoofly Pie slice and then rationalized that since I didn't eat a cookie and since my gym day is today, I could get away with eating all of one sitting. By the time I got halfway to through the Seven Layer Bar, it started to not taste as good as it did when I started. By the time I got to the end of it, my stomach was turning. And after I got through 1 Peanut Butter/Chocolate Chip Cookie, I threw away the rest. 30 minutes after starting this fiasco, my stomach is turning every which way, and I'm feeling very sick. I'm just wondering if this is simply because of eating too much sugar in one sitting, or is it because I've been eating healthy that my body isn't accustomed to having so much sugar any longer and is now rejecting it? Has anyone had this happen to them?


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Probably both. Our bodies don't like extremes (a lot of sugar in one sitting), and they don't like changes (introducing or reintroducing foods you don't usually eat). Both tend to cause tummy problems.