Starting Over

I used MFP about 6 months ago and then got fed up with having to count calories and not enjoying my food. All I did was panic and worry about what I was eating and couldn't enjoy any of my meals. I want to count calories but not go overboard and worry about it all of the time. I need to find a healthy balance with MFP and real life. I know a lot of people have had a lot of success using this, but it didn't go well for me last time. I hope this time can be different.


Weight: 183
Height: 5' 3"
Age: 23
Mood: Extremely frustrated and upset with myself

Almost 2 years ago now I weighed what I do now (183) and I spent the next year or so eating less, working out, and losing weight. I liked where I was headed and for once was starting to like how I looked. I went from 183 to 165 the day that I graduated. I didn't count calories or do any type of diet...the school food was enough to make me lose weight by not wanting to eat it lol. But over the last year I have gained it all back. Working out isn't the issue. I go to the gym anywhere from 4-6 times a week. I do Zumba 3-4 times a week and do cardio and weight lifting on the other days. I follow the work out routine I used when I lost all the weight but maybe that's part of the issue.

I have been in a couple of family pictures over the last few months and I just don't like how I look in them anymore. I hate taking pictures and before I was beginning to enjoy it. If only to see how much thinner I looked than the family pictures before that.

Hopefully, this time I can stick to it.


  • lanniemcvern
    lanniemcvern Posts: 99 Member
    I just wanted to say good luck! It can be frustrating at times to take the time to track everything, but it is effective. I don't always enjoy it either, but I am most successful when I do my best tracking.