Introduction - Hello everyone

And so it starts again, the diet. :sad:

Hi to everyone, my name is Chris, I live near Oxford UK.

My history with weight has been a see-saw. Up and down.

I'm a all or nothing sort of guy. When I put my mind to losing weight, generally I can. But I always slip back into my bad habits of drinking :drinker: and eating out regularly.

I can never find that happy medium.

Last year I dropped 42lbs by counting food points. Since then I've added 14lbs back on and the trousers are beginning to get tight again! (we all know how soul destroying that can feel).

With my original diet I lost so much weight, I took it for granted, then compromised on one or two things until there was no diet at all. It's a slippery slope.

My target with myfitnesspal is the same as my original target of 147lbs. I have not got as far to go this time so I'm hoping it will be more realistic and achievable.

So, myfitnesspal, it seems simple enough, I have an android phone with the app, so recording food is very easy. I just think I need to grit my teeth and get on and lose the weight quickly.

My biggest challenge will be keeping the healthy life style afterwards. I am hoping myfitnesspal will be as useful to maintain weight as losing weight as that is my biggest concern.